Fuck up peoples feelings

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I don't get why people call Seth fat. Bruh he look good why tf y'all playin.

Seth's POV

"Ya'know what?" Paige growled slightly, "I wish she would shut the hell up."

I sighed and looked over in the direction of Brie who kept sniffling and laying her head on Summers shoulder.

"Baby, her sisters back there." I say to her.

"Yeah," Paige said, "Her sister that she hates 99% of the time. Hell, Seth she fucking lied to her. This is her fault. If she wouldn't have told Nikki that, this never would have happened. Nikki never would have walked out, they would have never got in the car and they would have never gotten hit."

I sighed once again. She did have a point. Brie did lie to Nikki and Dean, but of course they didn't know that. Paige and I only knew by complete accident, but we knew it was a lie.

"Ok we're here." I heard a familiar voice say and I look up to see one half of the Uso twins, Jey... I think.

"Jey-" I started but he cut me off.

"Wrong one Uce." He said with a slight laugh, "Damn you still can't tell us apart?"

I shake my head with a small laugh as Jimmy sat next to me and Jey entered the waiting room seconds later.

"How are those two?" Jey asked, then looked around and raised a eyebrow, "Where's Roman?"

"We haven't got any word from my mums about Dean or Nikki's condition." Paige mumbled as she laid her head on my shoulder, "Nikki didn't even wake up when Roman moved her. Dean did for a few seconds, but not Nikki. What is she's not-"

"She's fine." I say to her, "Nikki is just fine you hear me. They both are."

"Ok my question about Roman has still gone unanswered." Jey said to me.

"Um he went out." I say to him and the twin rose a eyebrow.

"Out where?" Jimmy asked.

"I don't know." I partly lie to them. I really didn't know exactly where Roman went. He just said he had to take care of something.

"Seth." Jey says sternly, "Where.  Is. Roman?"

"I'm right here." Roman's voice said, sounding out of breath as he entered the waiting room with Randy, "How are they?"

"No report." Paige said to him and he ran a hand through his hair.

"Where've you been?" Jey asked him.

"I had to do something." Roman responded, "I'm alive so don't worry about it alright? Where's Nams? I wanna see her."

I pointed to the chair closest to the corner of the room. Naomi had been sitting there, her head buried in her hands ever since we got here a few hours ago. She sorta just shut all of us out and kept to herself.

Roman nodded and walked over to her and bent down to reach he's level.

I took a deep breath and tried to relax, but it simply wasn't working for me.

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