Don't Worry About It

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I love this picture! 😍😂😏

Naomi's POV

"Miss Fatu." Mr.Keeland said and I immediately picked my head up.

"Yes?" I ask and try not to yawn. I was tired as hell. After Roman dropped me off yesterday I had to finish up our Macbeth project with Nikki over the phone and it took hours.

"Can you answer this question on the board?" He asked me.

I sigh, "No, sir."

"And why is that?" He asked me.

"Because I wasn't paying attention." I say back to him.

"The next time I call on you and you're asleep," he said to me, "I will give you a detention."

"Well," Roman said beside me, "Maybe if your lessons wouldn't be so boring, then she wouldn't have to fall asleep."

"I didn't ask for you input Mr.Reigns." Mr.Keeland said to him.

"But it's true," Cesaro said from the other side of the room, "You just go on, and on, and on, and on, and on-"

"Enough Antonio." Mr.Keeland glared at him.

"And on, and on, and on, and on." Cesaro continued.

"Speak again and I'm sending you to the office." Mr.Keeland said to him.

Cesaro stood up and grabbed his bag but stayed quite as he walked to the door.

He stopped at the door and looked back at all of us, "And on, and on, and on. And on. And on."

"Get out of my classroom." Mr.Keeland said to him

Cesaro continued with his 'And on's' all the way down the hallway and some of the class laughed. I just laid my head back down on the desk.

"You ok?" Roman asked as he moved some hair out of my face.

I nod, "Just a little tired."

"I don't want you getting in trouble again," he said to me, "So sit up some."

"Do I have to?" I whine as I sit up.

He leans in and gives me a quick kiss, "Yes."

"Mr.Reigns and Miss Fatu." Mr.Keeland shouted, "That's a detention for PDA."

"Oh come on." Roman groaned

"I hate this man." I mumble to myself. It was just a kiss damn it. He acted like we were having sex in the middle of class.

"Take out the paper you began working on yesterday and get back into your groups and work on it." Mr.Keeland said.

I sigh and get up from my seat. Sadly, Roman wasn't my partner, Randy was. Which wasn't a bad choice of a partner. About two or three months ago, I would have died of joy that Randy was my partner, but now, I just rather Roman.

"I told you," Randy said with a laugh as Punk got up to go sit by Dean, who was his partner and I sat in his spot, "All that 'sneak kissing' was gonna get you caught."

"Oh shut up." I say with a laugh, "It's just one afternoon in detention."

"It's gonna feel like years," Randy said with a laugh, "Let's get started so we can finish this."

For about the next twenty minutes, we work on the paper. Randy was pretty good with Physics so we finished pretty quickly, compared to some of the other groups.

"So," I ask him as I push my paper to the side, "How are you and Red?"

He laughed slightly, "Good. Really good. She's great. I love her. My Parents love her. It's all good."

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