Forget the Cigarets

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Nikki's POV

"Let's go Wildcats!" I shout along with the other Cheerleaders.

It was fourth quarter and there was about 50 seconds left on scoreboard. We were winning but only by a touchdown and we were currently on defense. The other team, the Jefferson Pirates, were at the 20 yard line, preparing to make a touchdown and if they did, then we would go into over time.

"This is a really good first game." Naomi said to me, "I really hope we don't go into OT though, I'm ready to go. I need to shower before the party."

I nod, "If you want you can just come home with me and take a shower. You brung your clothes right?"

Naomi nodded, "Yeah, so I'll just ride with you instead of getting Paige to drop me off and pick me up from my house."

I nod and turn my attention back to the game as Jefferson made another play landing them at the 10 yard line.

I hear the band play one of our defense songs called 'Rise of the Phoenix', and the crowd goes wild. It's something about when the play this song the team just seems to play better.

I look back at the clock, just 35 more seconds left. I look back at the field to see their quarterback getting ready to throw the ball after calling the play.

He throws the ball to their number 36, but right before he can reach it our number 43, Roman, intercepts the ball, meaning the ball was in our possession now.

The crowd went absolutely wild. Most of the cheerleaders started another cheer. I was just going through the motions though, I was more interested in watching the game than cheering at the moment.

"Let's go Cats!" I hear Stephanie shout from somewhere in the stands. I turn and see her sitting next to Paige, Seth, CM, and AJ. Dean was supposed to be here, but he decided to go visit his friend Dolph at his house. I didn't know what exactly happened to him, but I heard he was hurt. They had released him from the hospital earlier today.

The band continued to play the song and the crowd continued to cheer. I look back at the clock and saw 20 seconds remaining. There's no doubt we would win, unless our team just did something completely stupid.

I see our quarterback, Randy, getting ready to make the play. All he needed to do was the quarterback knell and we win the game no doubt.

Randy makes the play, but instead of kneeling he passed the ball to our running back, number 27, Hunter and he ran the ball.

The crowd went crazier than before. Some were cheering and some were yelling that he made a stupid play.

All eyes were on Hunter as he dodged every single person that was in his way.

Soon everyone was cheering for him as he neared the end zone.

Hunter made the touchdown just bad the clock struck the last second and everyone went completely wild, while the band played out fight song.

"That's my baby!" I heard Stephanie shout and I smile.

The boys on the shake hands with the other team as a sign as good sportsmanship, then they all crowd into one circle and do a traditional chant. They do it every time we win a game.

"Hey," Naomi said, "I'm going up in the stands to tell Paige I'm going home with you. I'll be back."

I nod and walk over to my cheer bag and take out my phone. I had got a text from Dean.

Dean: is the game over?

I respond.

Nikki: just ended. Victory Wildcats! 34 to 21.

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