I'm Smarter

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two surprise POV's this chapter. It switches back and forth a few times.

Seth's POV

"Eva if you get this," Paige said into her phone as we walked outside the house, "Call me back. We're looking for you. Call me back, red."

"Still no answer huh?" I asked her as she ran a hand through her hair.

"No," she breathed with a sigh, "No she didn't pick up."

"This isn't good." I say with a sigh and she nodded.

"No, no it isn't." She said with a tired sigh before sitting down on one of the steps.

"You alright?" I ask as I sit down next to her.

"I just feel..." She started, then sighed, "Stupid."

"Why?" I ask her with a frown.

"I knew the moment we couldn't find her, something was wrong." She spoke, "I didn't necessarily know what, but I knew it was bad. We trusted her Seth. You know we just don't let anyone sit and talk with us, or even get this close to us. We only did it because her and Randy were dating but it grew into a friendship Seth. And now look where we are."

"None of us new she'd leave and take the thing." I say to her, "Don't feel stupid over something that you weren't expecting."

"Yeah I guess." She said, then mumbled, "And everyone wonders why I don't trust people..."

I wrap a arm around her and pull her closer to me, "Here's something to take your mind off of it; when are you gonna take me on that date?"

She laughed slightly, "Not the time to discuss that Seth... Wait, do you have Neville's number? Doesn't he know how to track phones."

"Shit I forgot about that." I say while quickly taking out my phone and dialing his number.

It rings a few times before a tired voice picks up the phone.

"Seth?" I heard him ask, "What the hell are you doing? It's 3 in the morning."

"Sorry Neville." I say to him, "But I need you to do me a big favor."

He sighed, "Well, what is it?"

"I need you to track a phone," I explain to him, "And the quicker it can get done, the better."


Eva's POV

I sigh as I looked at my phone once again to see a call from Randy coming through.

"I'm sorry baby..." I mumbled to myself as I watch the phone continue to ring, then go to voicemail.

"Boo thang call again?" Nia asked from the computer that she sat at.

"Yeah." I mumbled as I sat down on the floor and leaned my head against the wall, "He did."

"It's gonna be alright E." She said to me as she continued to type away.

"I hope your right..." I mumbled, "When is Sting gonna get here."

"Should be another 10 minutes." She said as she continued to look at her screen, "Damn it!"

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I stood up and grabbed the folder next to me.

"I was this close," she said with a sigh, "This freaking close to breaking through to the SDA computer system. We could have figured out who the boss was. Do you know how valuable that would be?"

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