Satan in High Heels

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Nikki's POV

I eyes were steadily fixed on the ceiling when my alarm for the morning went off. I had already been up for more than a hour and hadn't bothered going back to sleep.

I was tired, but couldn't rest. It's not like mental tiredness goes away anyways.

The past few days have completely worn me out. Whether it was was from doing these dumb test or being in life threatening situations.

I slowly raise out of the bed just as my phone beeped and I see a text from Dean.

Dean: hey, I love you. You look beautiful today. No I haven't seen you yet, I just know you will. Gonna come pick you up. With the guys though 🙄 but whatever and stuff. Love you Bellabear

I simply smile at the words and it suddenly makes everything worth it. Because he was worth it.

He was worth the sky and the moon and all the stars. He makes me smile, and legit is the key to my happiness. It was strange how a few words can make my day better, even though I hadn't even risen out of the bed yet.

I stand up and stretch so hard that I almost fall afterwards, then make my way to the bathroom and begin my morning routine.

After about thirty minutes, I was showered, clothed and my make up was done. I simply put my hair in a messy bun, not caring to deal with it this morning.

I grab my backpack and purse and head downstairs to the living room to wait for Dean to get here. I didn't feel like eating breakfast this morning. I'd just eat something extra at lunch.

"So are you gonna go to the Sadie Hawkins dance?" I heard Brie say as I entered the living room and I see here sitting there talking on the phone, "You're gonna have to ask someone to it y'know. Just ask that fat guy who likes to hang around you Summer. Yes he is. It's not my fault cute people don't like you. Maybe you should dress better."

I simply rolled my eyes and sit on the couch, then turn on the TV. It was already turned up entirely too loud and I quickly try turn it down.

"No Nikki just turned on the Tv." Brie said while rolling her eyes then she smirked, "Awe, Nikki, Summer and baby Caden say hi!"

I simply rolled my eyes and stayed silent. I wasn't going to let her aggregate me this morning.

Knowing that Summer could possibly bare Dean a son almost sickens me. Not that I hate Summer... I mean I sorta do, but that's besides the point. Well it is.. Ugh. It's not like I can do anything about it now. She's already headed into her 5th month.

"Nikki sends a silent good morning." Brie said back to Summer with a dark laugh before getting up and walking into the kitchen, "I know, pathetic right?"

I sighed and leaned back on the couch and close my eyes.

I remember a time that if you ignored someone, they'd eventually leave you alone.

Then high school hits and it's a constant battle between you and the people you hate. Words are thrown, feelings are hurt and in the end you've found not a single reason to smile anymore because people are cruel. And they will hurt you. Even the if those people are family.

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