I wanna be a princess wrestler!

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Nikki's POV

"I could do this all day." Paige said beside me as she took another bite of her pizza.

"Do what?" I ask her as I get off my bed.

"Eat Pizza and listen to music." She said to me.

"Paigy," Stephanie said, "You do do that all day."

"And I'm proud." Paige said back to her then she turned to AJ who was on her phone, "Tomorrow makes three years doesn't it."

AJ smiled, "Yeah, three years exactly."

"That is so sweet." Stephanie said.

"Aren't you and Hunter coming up on four soon?" I asked her.

"In a couple months." She said back to me.

"I don't see how you two kept it going for four year and literally barley had any problems." Paige said.

"Trust me," Stephanie said, "We've had a whole lot of problems. But we work them out."

"Alright," Naomi said as she entered the room with he bag, "Love you too, bye."

"Where have you been young lady?" AJ asks, "This slumber party started 30 minutes ago."

"Wasn't it obvious?" Paige said with a laugh, "She was with Roman,"

"I was not." She said, "We haven't talked all day."

"So that wasn't him on the phone?" I ask.

She shook her head and sat on my bed, "That was my dad. I was just making sure he'd be alright for the night. I told you he started back working again right?"

"He's working?" I ask her, "Where?"

"The auto shop downtown." I say, "He got a position that deals with the finances and stuff so he sits down most of the time so he won't have to be on his knees."

"Why'd he decide to go back to work?" Paige asked.

"Cause we needed more money than what he was getting on his disability check and he doesn't want me working until it's necessary. He wants me to focus on my studies." She said to us.

"You're lucky you don't have to work," Paige groaned.

"Paige," Naomi said with a laugh, "You go to work and sit around the whole time."

She shrugs, "And I still make money."

I laugh, "So how are you and Mr.Rollins?"

"Good." She said while smiling, "Really good."

"I like y'all as a couple because you're both completely different." Naomi said.

"Yeah," AJ said, "You guys remind me of Katniss and Peta though."

"We act nothing like them!" Paige said with a laugh.

"You're like the girl that doesn't give a shit and he's like the golden boy." Stephanie said while laughing.

"He ain't been too golden boy lately." Naomi said.

"For real." I said, "Seth has been bad as I don't know what."

"It's cause Paige is rubbing off on him." Stephanie said.

"I am not." She said.

"Think about it," AJ said, "Seth has never stood up for himself until after you two started dating."

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