Basically calling yourself pathetic

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Naomi's POV

"Here you go daddy." I say as I hand him his breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon and toast.

"Thank you baby girl," He says back to me.

I smile at him, then head back into the kitchen. My phone buzzed, and I see that it was a text Randy.

Randy: you need a ride?

I smile. He's been giving me a ride to school lately and it was really sweet. It's not that I didn't know how to drive, it's just that I was saving up the money to buy a car for when I graduate. We have a car, but it's broke down and can barley run, I don't think it's be too safe to drive.

I respond back to him.

Naomi: yeah, you don't mind right?

Randy: course not, I'll be there in ten.

I put my phone back in my pocket and grab a extra piece of bacon that I had made for dad.

I couldn't believe that in a couple months I wouldn't be doing this anymore, well school that is. I didn't really have any plans for collage, we didn't necessarily have the money for that. Plus I didn't even know what I want to be anyways.

I finish my food and walk back to the living room and sit on the couch and watch the morning news.

"Nikki Doll coming to pick you up?" Dad asks me.

I smile at the old nickname. My dad gave that nickname to her back when we were in the seventh grade. Nikki use to be pageants and was really girly, unlike myself who would have rather played outside with a ball. Dad gave her the name Nikki Doll because she looked like a doll at pageants. She said she hated doing them, so she stopped doing them.

I shake my head, "No, Randy's coming to pick me up."

"Randy?" He asked.

"Yeah," I say, "Daddy he's another friend."

He nods, "As long as he doesn't hurt you, I guess it's alright."

I raise a eyebrow, "Daddy, we're not dating..."

"Oh..." He said and I laugh.

"Well when your ready to date somebody," He said to me with a laugh, "Make sure you run it by me. I'd like to meet the boy."

"I'll be sure to do that Daddy," I say with a laugh as my phone buzzed. It was a text from Randy saying that he was here.

"I gotta go daddy," I say to him as I walk over to kiss his cheek, "Ms.Candice will come and check on you around noon and she'll come over here later on tonight while I'm at the game too."

"Alright sweet pea," He said as I walked towards the door and open it, "I'll see you later. Love you."

"Love you too," I tell him then close the door.

I walk out to Randy's grey Chevy Silverado.

"Good morning." He said with a smile as I got in.

I smile back at him, "Good morning."

"You have a good night?" He asks as he begins the route to school.

I laugh slightly, "It was a little restless. I mean it's really kinda hard to sleep after... Well that."

Randy gave a small laugh, "Yeah. You're right about that. I'm not ashamed to say, that was the scariest moment in my life so far. And hopefully the last."

"Your right about that," I say back to him, "I don't even know how a person is capable of doing that. And I can't believe they do that kinda crap for a laugh."

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