No More Good Boy Shit

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Seth's POV

"If anything goes wrong," Jasper said to us as he handed me two rounds, "Either you shoot, or you get out. Go to Paige's house."

"You don't think that they'd think to look for us there?" Dean asked as he stuck his hands in his soaking wet Jacket.

"Who made the plan?" Jasper asked him, "You or me? Now you and Roman will need to stay with Seth at all time because he's the only one who knows where Paige's house is."

"And if we get separated?" Roman asked him.

"Try to get back to the diner." Jasper said to him, "Point is, Get out of wherever you are if there there understand?"

"Gotcha." Roman said with a sigh.

"Alright," Jasper said, "Casper and I will be stationed in a different area than you three understand? I'm going to drop you three off at the police station. Go in and ask whoever at the desk of Officer Kennedy is on duty."

He stopped and looked at the clock on his phone.

"And he shouldn't be," He mumbled, "He doesn't take the graveyard shift. So just say ok and leave. Go behind the station and they'll be a metal slab, pull it back and go down into the old underground passageways, that's about all I can help you with. I don't know exactly where to go after that point."

"You sure know a lot about how to get there though..." Casper mumbled as he looked up and the lighting lit sky.

"I know a lot more than you think..." Jasper mumbled which earned a look from his brother but he just shook his head, "Keep your cellphone on silent. Only call if completely necessary."

I nodded and pushed my wet hair out of my face, "Got it. I guess we need to start heading over to the station. We need as much time as we can get."

"Alright then," Jasper said then gestured to the car, "Hop in. Big guy, you can sit up front."

Roman rolled his eyes but smirked which lightened the mood slightly, but was soon gone as the thunder roared once again.

Dean, Casper and I get in the back seat while Roman sits in the passenger and Jasper drives.

"Can we turn on a damn heater?" Dean complained, "I'm about to freeze my balls off."

"Could you be any more blunt?" Casper complained as Jasper turned the heater on.

"For your information British Boy," Dean said to him, "I don't even know what blunt means."

"You should get a dictionary American Eagle." Casper said while rolling his eyes.

"American Eagle?" Dean said while looking at him, "Do I look like a fucking model to you?"

"Clearly not." Casper said.

"Damn right," Dean said, "I'm Dean Fucking Ambrose. I look better than some pretty boy model."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Casper said while rolling his eyes.

"Next time you roll your eyes at me," Dean said to him, "They'll be rolling across the floor."

Caper stared at him for a moment, then dramatically rolled his eyes.

"That's it!" Dean shouted while grabbing Casper's neck and he struggled to get away from him.

"Hey!" I say while hitting Dean until he let go, "Knock it off Dean!"

"I told him." Dean said with a laugh as Casper stared at him with wide eyes and rubbed his neck.

"You murder." Casper said in disgust.

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