How Ya Doin

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Nikki's POV

"And of course you can add icing or some pretty sprinkles, or you can simply leave them plain." I say to the class as Naomi picked up one of the cookies off of the tray.

"And that's how you make sugar cookies." Naomi said then took a bite out of the cookie, "Bruh that actually taste really good."

"Very nice presentation girls." Our Home Economics teacher, Ms.Writes says to us as she wrote in her notes while Naomi placed the rest of the cookies we made into a plastic container and we walk back to our seats.

"Lemme have one of them." Big E said as soon as we sat down.

"You always askin for food." Naomi said with a laugh as she opened the box to hand him one but two other hands quickly reached over her head and snatched one out of the box, "Hey!"

"Thank ya sweets." Enzo said as he shoved one quickly into his mouth while Cass laughed and just took a bite of his as they walked to the front of the classroom.

"Enzo." Ms.Writes said, "Collin. You're up."

"How ya doin today?" Enzo said while stuffing another cookie into his mouth, "And might I just say. Nao and Nik, them cookies were incredible. They deserves a A++. But now, it's our turn."

"And me and Zo here are gonna show you guys how to make a Sandwich." Cass said while placing a bag on the table and I couldn't help but laugh. They always choose the simplest things to make but their presentation were always entertaining.

"What do we need to make a sandwich Cass?" Enzo asked him.

"Lettuce see what we have." Cass said while taking out some already pre chopped lettuce and I couldn't help but laugh.

"We got so tomatoes." Enzo said while taking it out of the bag.

"We got some mayo." Cass said, "Some mustard."

"Cause you gotta have them condiments." Enzo said, "We got all types of cheeses here."

"Cheddar." Cass said while pulling out a few slices.

"What else?" Enzo asked.

"Some Swiss." He said while taking out some more.

"How ya doin." Enzo said.

"And some all America." Cass finished.

"And for the meat? What we got in there Big C?" Enzo asked.

"Let's see, we got some ham." Cass said while pulling out a container of ham.

"How ya doin?" Enzo said.

"Some turkey." Cass continued.

"Keep'em comin!" Enzo shouted suddenly and the class laughed.

"And we got some chicken with all the fixins!" Cass shouted,

"That's what I'm talkin bout!" Enzo shouted and we laughed, "Now that we got all the necessary items for sandwiches. All you gotta do is set this bread down right here and get to fixin."

"And that is how you make a sandwich." Cass said while starting to put the items on the bread, "Now if you will excuse me, I didn't eat breakfast this morning."

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