Change that

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Roman's POV

"Seth!" I shout out as Dean and I search the campus.

"Pick up your phone damnit." Dean mumbles as he pressed the end call button on his phone for about the fifth time in a row.

"Do you have any other idea where he could be?" I ask Dean, "We've already checked the entire campus, twice."

"Well the school doors are locked, so he couldn't have went inside." Dean said while sighing, "I asked his friend Neville if he had seen him and he said he hadn't."

I shake my head, "Can you please explain to me what's going on?"

Dean sighed, "I forgot you weren't in the Cafeteria this morning. I'll explain later, but as far as I know, Seth thinks it's ok to hang out with Brie."

"Why would he even think that?" I asked confused. Seth should know better. I mean we don't like her for a reason.

He shrugs, "I don't know. But when I find him, I'm sure the hell going to find out."

I shake my head as we continue to search. After a couple minutes my phone rings and I immediately pick it up.

"Hello?" I say quickly.

"Uh, hey," I hear Seth's voice say quietly.

"Where the hell are you?" I ask him, "Do you know how many times Dean called you? Why haven't you picked up?"

"Is that Seth?" Dean asked and I nod.

"Do you really think I would answer the phone if it was Dean?" Seth asked me, "All he's gonna is yell at me. Yeah I get it. I fucking screwed up! I don't need to be told that!"

I sigh, "Seth where are you?"

I herd him sigh, "Sitting down by the car. I walked around the entire school to get here. I figured it be the last place you guys would check. I don't have the keys so I couldn't get in."

"We're on our way," I tell him, "Don't go anywhere, Seth."

"Where is he?" Dean basically demanded as I hung the phone up.

"Calm down Dean," I tell him, "I don't need you yelling and screaming at him, ok?"

Dean glares at me, then took a deep breath, "Ok, ok. I'm calm. Just... Where is he?"

I sigh, "He's by the car. And we need to start making our way out there."

Dean nodded and we began to make our way to the parking lot at the font of the school.

Deans phone rang and he answered it.

"Hey," I heard him say, "Where are you guys?"

He was quite for a minute, "Is she alright?"

"Well just try to get her to bed," Dean said after a couple seconds of silence, "I think you better stay with her tonight. Is her mom there or did she have to work?"

He stayed quite and listened then nodded his head, "Yeah, don't leave her there alone. Stay there tonight."

"Yeah," Dean said again, "We just figured out where he was. Yeah, I'll handle it, don't worry."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow ok?" He says into the phone again, "Love you too, bye." Then he hangs up the phone.

"That Nikki?" I ask him.

He nodded, "She and all the others are at Paige's house. Her and Naomi staying at her house tonight."

I nod then look at him, "Dean. Please don't flip out when we get to this car:"

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