You Never Look Pretty

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Naomi's POV

"I mean," Sarah rambled as she sat between my legs while I braided her hair, "I think he likes me, but I'm really not sure."

"Boys are overrated." Dean mumbled while he scrolled through Instagram as he sat on the couch next to Roman.

"No they're not." Sarah said while rolling her eyes, "Some are nice."

"And some aren't and like to break girls hearts." Dean said to her, "You don't want one of those now do you."

"Nope." She said, "I want a Prince Charming."

"Why would you want a Prince Charmings when you have me?" Benny said as he tiredly laid his head on Sarah's shoulder.

"Benny," Sarah said to him, "We've been over this. You're to young for me."

"Age means nothings," Benny said then looked at Dean, "Can I marry Sarah?"

"No." Sarah said.

"Yes." Dean said to him and Sarah groaned, "Don't complain, don't you love Benny?"

"Of course I love him." Sarah said and I smiled as I added a bow to the end of her braid.

"Awe," Paige said as she walked into the room with Nikki, Seth and Roman, "Kid love."

"Hold on." Benny said while getting up and walking over to the bag full of toys that he had brung with him and pulled something out and hid it behind his back.

"Here." Benny said to her and handed her a RingPop.

"Why can't you buy me a ring pop?" Nikki mumbled while pushing Dean slightly and he smiled.

"Awe Benny." Sarah said, "But this is your favorite kind."

"I rather you have it." He said to her as he laid down.

"All done." I say to her and handed h e my phone which was already on the front camera so she could see, "You like? I can undo it if you want."

"No," she said quickly with a smile, "I actually look pretty for once."

"You never look pretty." Seth said to her.

"Seth your a faggot." Sarah shot at him.

"Sarah! Only I can say that!" Dean shouted at her and Nikki hit him on the arm.

"You didn't let me finish." Seth said while rolling his eyes, "I was going to say that you never look pretty, you always look beautiful."

"Oh." Sarah said, "Well run your sentences together dude."

Seth rolled his eyes but smiled, "I'll be sure to do that in the future then."

I smiled as there was a knock on the door and Roman rose up from his seat to answer it.

"Megan?" Roman asked, "Come on in."

"Thanks Roman." She said to him with a smile as she entered the living room.

"Megan?" Sarah asked as Benny began to drift off to sleep, "What are you doing here?"

"I gotta take you guys home tonight." She said to her with a sigh.

"Home?" She asked her, "You mean that hellhole? Why can't we just sleep over her for tonight? I wanna stay here."

"Well Malice is inspecting the rooms tonight," she said with a sigh, "And if your not in your room, then i get in big trouble. Plus, these guys have school tomorrow."

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