adult supervision

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here he here he
this my birthday.
here he here he

Seth's POV

"She usually leaves a spare key in the potted plant." Paige commented as I quickly turned into Nikki's driveway and turned off the truck.

"I'll go get her." Paige said as she unbuckled her seat belt, "Unless you wanna come."

"I'll wait out here." I told her as she opened the car door and quickly jogged to the front of the house, glancing in a plant not too far from the door and grabbing something out of it, then quickly walking back to the door, unlocking it, then entering.

I leaned my head back against the chair and sighed.

It was a little after one in the afternoon. We've been on the move since twelve, but it feels like I've been rushed all day. I guess it was the anticipation of leaving school.

Dean texted us around 9:15 this morning. He explained the details of the doctors visit, then announced that Benny would be going into surgery this morning.

Dean had asked us if we could all come over to the hospital after lunch and we had all agreed unanimously.

We had originally all planned to go by the store and get some snacks, but we had left that job to Roman and Naomi after Nikki texted Paige and asked her to bring Brie to the hospital.

Of course Paige told her it was no problem and didn't mind taking her, but truth be told she was looked a bit nervous.

None of us, with the exception of Nikki, had even seen Brie since before all of the happenings.

I know Brie has never been the nicest person. In fact, she's been pretty terrible to us, but that doesn't mean I want her to die. She doesn't deserve that.

I let out a breath as I glanced up at the sky. The sun was hidden today. The sky was filled with thick heavy grey clouds.

"Roman and Naomi are bringing snacks so don't worry, you won't starve." I heard a voice say and I glance to the front door and saw Paige exiting it with Brie right beside her.

She looked the same, but you could tell something was different. Even if you were meeting her for the first time I'm sure you could tell that this is not how she usually acts.

She'd lost her confidence.

Brie usually walked with her head held high, maybe a little too high, but nonetheless, high.

Now she walked unsurely. Hiding herself in a large jacket and sweatpants that she usually wouldn't be caught dead in.

"I'm not hungry." I heard Brie comment as the two of them neared the car.

"Oh." Paige commented as she opened the passenger door, "Well I mean if you get hungry then food will be there. Just hop in the back. You can just push my bag out of the way if you need too."

Without responding, the back door opened a few seconds later and she quietly climbed in, glancing at me as she closed the door.

"Hey." She said quietly.

"What's up?" I greeted, but gained no response from her.

"Alright." Paige commented as she hopped in, "Let's get rolling."


"When I said buy snacks I didn't mean buy all of Walmart." I mumbled as Roman walked into the waiting room with several bags of snacks around his arms.

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