For Once In Your Boring Life

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Seth's POV

"Seth." I heard a voice say and I groaned slightly and turned onto my side, "Seth wake up."

I mumbled a 'no' before snuggling closer into my blankets, but frowned as I felt hot breath on my face.

I open my eyes slightly to find Dean staring back at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, highly annoyed that he had waken me up, and even more annoyed to find that was only a little after 3 in the morning.

"Scoot over." He told me and I gave him a confused look, "Don't judge me, just do it."

I give him another glance before sighing and scooting over for him to lay down and he quickly doing so.

"You wanna explain why you're doing this?" I asked him as I gave him one of the pillows I had been laying on.

"I had a bad dream and Roman isn't here." He mumbled, "If you laugh at me I'm gonna kick your ass when daylight get here."

"I'm not laughing, geez." I said to him, "Where's Roman?"

"I haven't seen him since this afternoon." He told me, "But he texted me after he got off of work and told me he went to go help Naomi's dad down at the auto shop again. I figure he's still over there. Maybe spent the night."

"What was your dream about?" I asked him.

"Don't wanna talk about it." He told me quietly.

"On a scale of 1 to 10." I asked, "How bad was it?"

He was quite for a moment before answering, "9. It was that kinda scary where you're almost too scared to even turn in your bed, and too terrified to get out of it. But I somehow managed."

I sighed a moment before turning slightly and reaching to the other side of my bed and picking up a small item, "Here."

"What the hell is this?" He asked as he took the item out of my hand.

"Experiment 626." I told him and I immediately felt him shift.

"Is this my stuffed Stitch?" He asked loudly as he sat up in the bed and grabbed his phone turning it on and causing an almost blinding light to spread throughout the room, "You freaking thief! I've been looking for this!"

"Funny because I found it lost under the couch about 6 weeks ago." I told him.

"That's because Benny was playing with it." He explained to me, then hit my arm, "You could have just gave it back, y'know."

"You could never keep up with the thing in the first place." I told him while rolling my eyes, "It was in safe keeping."

Dean turned his phone back off before sinking back into the bed, "Well thanks."

"You're welcome big brother." I said with a yawn, "Now go to sleep."

"Wait, Seth." He told me and I sighed.

"What Dean?" I asked him tiredly.

"I have a question." He told me.

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