Oh look, people care

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Naomi's POV

Crash in
Hit a wall
Right now I need a miracle
Hurry up now I need a miracle

I groaned as the song began to play from my phone and I turn over in my bed in attempt to ignore the constant vibrating phone, but it only seemed to get louder as my sleepy state wore off just a tad.

I groaned and glanced at my clock while grabbing my phone. It was barley past midnight.

"Hello?" I asked tiredly, not even looking at the caller ID.

"Hey Nao." Paige's voice filled my ears, "You awake?"

"Well I am now." I say with a yawn as I sit up and turn on my lamp, the light burning my eyes, "Paige, why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep." She said to me, "And mums at work cause she works Saturday Nights/Sunday Mornings. It's quite over here."

"You're mom always works Paige." I ask her while rubbing my eyes, "What so different about this time?"

"I feel like people are watching me." Paige mumbled, "Seriously. It's creepy. Didn't that Sting guy say that he watches us too?"

"Only when we're with Dean love." I say to her, "And not at all times, remember? Just mainly when he's outside his house."

"Still." She mumbled, "It's strange... Maybe I'm just paranoid... But don't I have a right to be? They knew my dad."

I sighed, "I guess you are right. I mean, I'd be creeped out if they somehow knew my mom."

"I think I'm just ready to get out of this town, y'know?" She said to me, "I think I've had enough of Sheridan, Georgia for a lifetime."

"You and I both." I say to her, "I'm sick of living here. I'm sick of school, I'm sick of 99% of the population here. I want to leave."

"We just have a few more months babe." She said to me, "We can do this."

"I hope." I say to her with a sigh, still slightly tired.

"Hey," she asked me, "Did you hear from Randy any yesterday?"

"I texted him," I say to her, "But he didn't text back. Roman said he tried calling him, but he didn't pick up. Is he alright?"

"Hunter said when he took his truck over to his house that he was just locked in his room." She said to me, "He wouldn't let them in his room or anything so they eventually left."

"Randy's never acted like this." I mumbled while pulling up my covers some, "Maybe someone should go check on him."

"I had planned on going today," she said to me, "But Mum said that there was a package coming in the mail and that I needed to stay until it got here."

"I'll go." I say to her with a shrug, "It's not a big deal."

"Um," Paige said, "Maybe bring Nik with you or somethin?"

"She's dealing with Dean," I say to her, "I explain to her, I don't want to bother her. Like I said, it's no big deal."

"Well ok..." She mumbled, "Just remember that your dating Roman."

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