She's Fine and She's mine

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Roman's POV

'I love you...' She said to me tiredly as I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me.

'I love you too.' I say to her the kiss the back of her head and felt myself drifting into a peaceful sleep.

My eyes open slowly, the thought of last night still fresh in my mind. Probably one of the best nights I've ever had in my almost eighteen years of living.

I open my eyes fully and glance at her sleeping figure in my arms.

'Perfect...' I think to myself and kiss the back of her head again.

The word 'perfect' couldn't even begin to describe her. She's better than perfection. She's more than just beautiful. The word 'amazing' would be an offense to call her because she's so much more than that.

Hell, I won't even call it 'sex' with her anymore. Mainly because that's not what it is when I'm with her. It's so much more than that, because she's so much more than I ever asked for in a girl.

I hear my phone ring on the nightstand and I slowly remove my arms from around her and grab my phone. I press the answer button, and slowly get out of the bed so I wouldn't wake her up.

"Hello?" I say into the phone as I slid on some shorts and walked out my room.

"Roman." I hear Jimmy's voice say into the phone and I immediately get a sick feeling in my stomach, "Boy, what's up with you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask him as i walk to the living room and sit down on the couch.

"I got a call from your school," he said to me, "They said you we absent again today."

I glance at the clock, 9:34 am.

'They didn't wake you up?' I think to myself, just realizing that Naomi and I were in the house alone.

When we go to school registration every year, Jimmy and Jey sign as my guardians and the school calls them if there is any problems. The school normally doesn't call about absences too much unless, I missed or am going to miss something important that day.

"Dean called me and told me you weren't feeling well," he continued, "so what's wrong with you?"

'Thank God for Dean Ambrose.' I think to myself as I try to think of a answer to give him.

"Yeah man," I say to him, "I've been out in all the night air and stuff. My throat hurts some and I cough like crazy."

"Oh," he said, "You need me to come down there and take you to the doctor?"

I roll my eyes, "Jimmy, I'm almost grown. I don't need you to drive two hours out of your way to come take me to the doctor. I'll just drink a bottle of Mucinex or some shit."

"Chill out with the attitude," he said to me with a small laugh.

I hear a yawn and I look up to see Naomi walking to the living room in just her underwear and bra.

My heart started beating rapidly. Why? Why Lord? Why did you bless me with a girl like this?

"Good morning." She said to me.

"What was that?" I hear Jimmy ask, I had totally forgotten that he was even on the phone.

"It was the TV. I'm watching the news." I say to him as I give Naomi a panic kind of look.

'Who's that?' She mouths to me.

'Jimmy.' I mouth back to he.

'Oh...' She mouthed then pointed back down the hall and made her way back to my room.

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