Giving The Beast a Hug

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This chapter will be taking place ONE WEEK AFTER the wreck. Why? Cause the next week nothing important happened and it would just be boring. So this chapter will start on Homecoming week (let that drama begin) On To The Story!

Nikki POV

'She wants to dance like
Uma Thurman,
bury me until I confess
She wants to dance like
Uma Thurman,
and I can't get you out of my head.'

Naomi and I shout the lyrics of Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy while laughing as I drove down the road to our school.

"Awe!" Naomi shouted as the song was interrupted by a radio host, "Put it back! I wasn't done turnin up!"

I laugh, "Calm down."

She smiled and looked out the window,"Ok."

I look at her and laugh, "You've been smiling a lot lately."

She shrugged but continued to smile,"I'm just happy. It's not a crime."

"You're happy because of Roman." I tease her while pushing her arm playfully.

"Hands in the wheel," she said with a laugh, "And maybe a little because of him."

"More like a lot!" I say with a laugh.

"He took me out on a date yesterday." She said while looking at her phone and smiling.

"Shut up!" I say to her, "Why are you now just telling me about this? Where'd you guys go? And what you do."

"Well," she started, "He came over to my house and had dinner with dad. Dad really loves him. Then he took me out to the park and we sat on that little hill and watched the sunset. Then we went back to my house. Dad was already in bed, so we went to my room and just talked."

"Just talking?" I ask her with a smile.

"Yep." She said with a smile, "It was nice."

"You two are so cute!" I say to her, "I've never seen him act like he does with you, to anybody else."

"He's just sweet." She said with a shrug while smiling.

"Would you have said that a year ago?" I ask her.

"Heck no." She said with a laugh, "I would have never expected it to be him."

I laugh, "You know who got together on Saturday right?"

She shook her head, "Who?"

"Randy and Eva." I say and laughed at her expression.

"Shut up!" She said and quickly went to her messages and typed, "Who told you?"

"Randy did." I tell her, "He texted me about it."

"Why didn't he tell me?" She said while typing.

I shrug, "We we were already texting in the first place. I think I'm the only one that knows."

She nods, "Makes sense. But I'm still texting him. Everybody's just getting together lately."

"Not really," I said, "Miz and Brie have been arguing."

"But they aren't even dating." Naomi said.

"Still though." I say.

"What's going on with her anyway?" Naomi asked me, "She's been quite lately. She ain't messed with nobody. And she ain't trying very hard to win Homecoming Queen. Like I haven't seen any posters or nothin."

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