Perfectly Imperfect

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This is why I love Team B.A.D lol, on to the story.

Naomi's POV

'I want it all
In a Blaze of Glory
Let the sky
Let the flames, tell the story.'

"So you really quit the team?" Roman asked me as Blaze of Glory continued to play through the earbuds we shared as we walked down the sidewalk.

"I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled as I crossed my arms.

"Yes, you do." He said while wrapping a  arm around me as he picked a piece of snow out of my hair. 

"I really don't." I mumble while shrugging him off some, "But seriously? Coach said he was moving me down to JV! I'm not fucking playing on JV! And he's starting a freshman! And freaking freshmen Roman! I'm a fucking senior-"

I stop as his lips quickly met mine but I quickly pushed him away.

"Don't do that." I mumble as we continued walking.

He raised a eyebrow, "What has been up with you lately?"

"I'm fine." I mumble as I cross my arms once again.

"Really?" He asked, "Cause that definitely doesn't seem fine. Whats been going on with you lately?"

"I said I'm fine, damn it!" I snap at him.

"Please explain to me why you have attitude." Roman said as he slightly glared at me.

"Explain to you?" I ask him, "You are not my fucking daddy."

"Not what you were saying a couple nights ago." He said with a smirk.

I glare at him, "Do I look like I'm playing around with you right now? Do I really look like I'm in the mood for bullshit right now? Please tell me if I look like I'm in the mood for it. Cause I'm pretty sure I'm not."

"I was just playing around..." He mumbled, "Damn, I'm sorry..."

"You two ok?" Nikki as she as approached us as we entered the school gate.

"Perfect." Roman mumbled.

"Where's Dean and Seth?" She asked us as we all went inside the building.

"Went to the store real quick to pick up some food for Art today," he said to her, "We're having our Christmas party in there today. That's why I walked."

"You two seemed like you were having a pretty intense walk." Nikki said with a slight laugh. 

"Only one who was intense was her.." Roman mumbled.

"Let me hear you say it again." I say while glaring at him, "I dare you."

"What is with you?" He asked while shaking his head.

"I told you once and I'll tell you again," I say to him, "Nothing is wrong with me. You keep pissing me off."

"Nams, what the hell." He said while glaring slightly, "You're the one who can't have a full fucking conversation without going off on me."

"Well if you wouldn't fucking annoy me." I snap at him.

"There it is again with the attitude." He said while rolling his eyes.

"I don't have a fucking attitude Reigns." I scowl at him, "Just leave me the fuck alone and you wouldn't have to deal with the attitude that I don't have."

"Don't be a bitch." He mumbled under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I ask while glaring at him.

"Ok you two," Nikki said while stepping between us, "Calm it down... Roman, why don't you go to the gym? You like going there in the mornings right?"

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