Feels Like It's Too Much

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Roman Reings😍🔥❤️☺️ (enough said... On to the story)

Roman's POV

"What do you mean he's in the office?" Dean asked me as we both made our way down the hallway after school.

"That's what Paige texted me during last period." I say to Dean as we sped up our walking some.

After a couple more minutes of walking we reach the office and see Mrs.Adams.

"Is he still in there?" Dean asked her.

"Seth?" She asked, "Yes, he's still in there,"

"Do you know what he did?" I ask her.

She shook her head, "Sorry, I don't Roman. But feel free to go in there, Paige already is."

We nod and head down the small hall, then into Mr.Kelton's office. Making this the second time I've been here today.

"What's going on?" Dean asked as soon as he opened the door.

Mr.Kelton sighed as we entered, "Just have a seat boys." Seth was sitting in one chair and Paige was sitting in the chair next to him.

"Did you get into a fight?" Dean asked Seth as we both sat on the small couch against the left wall of the room.

"No," Seth sighed.

"Then why are you in here?" I asked him.

"I'm honestly not even sure myself..." Seth mumbled.

"Seth had Advil and Tylenol in his bag." Mr.Kelton explained to us.

"I told you it wasn't mine." Seth said, "You guys know I wouldn't take that to school."

"We don't even buy that stuff often." I mumble, "Why is it such a offense to carry those kind of things at school anyways? It's just for like headaches,"

"But not everyone will use those things for headaches," Mr.Kelton said with a sigh. "Some people sell this stuff to other people and use it for the wrong. People use over the counter drugs and can turn them into more than what they were originally used for. People use things like that to get high or drugged off of, and it could honestly kill you if you took too much of it in the wrong way."

"But it's not mine." Seth said, "Mrs.Davis doesn't even think it's mine."

"I don't think it's yours either," Mr.Kelton said, "But we have to go through this process."

"What process?" Dean asked.

"Mrs.Davis is running tests on the items." Paige said, "She even is taking finger print tests."

"I never touched the bag." Seth said, "And when she touched it, she's was wearing gloves when she touched hers won't show up."

"We're also going to go through camera footage to see if anyone messes with his bag." Mr.Kelton said, "I'm basically convinced Seth wouldn't do this."

"Seth doesn't even like medicine." Dean said.

"What did that have to do with anything?" Seth asked him, but he smiled slightly.

Dean shrugged with a smirk, "Nothing, I'm just stating facts."

A couple seconds later, Mrs.Davis comes in the room with some papers. I didn't know her that well, but Seth did. As far as I know she was a pretty nice person.

"Did you find out anything?" Seth asked as she laid the papers out on the table.

"Good news," she said, "I didn't find your fingerprints."

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