Your Hawaii language

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"There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect or his self confidence. He is still a king." ~Orison Marden

Roman's POV

I thought it was a dream really.

You know, one of those bad dreams where as soon as the bad thing happens, you immediately wake up and your sorta shook up for a few minutes, but you end up being just fine and everything's ok.

I kept waiting for that moment. And I waited and waited and waited for what seemed like forever, but in reality it wasn't even a second later.

From that moment on, I didn't hear anything clearly. I couldn't see anything except that car that was right in front of me because that car held my brother.

I didn't waist any time jumping from the steps and running full speed out to the road, knowing Seth wasn't too far behind me along with others.

I paid no attention to the other car that had just collided with theirs. And when my eyes landed on Dean, I felt my heart race quicker.

"Dean,Dean,Dean, Dean." I kept repeating as I neared his side and tried open door but something had jammed and it wouldn't open no matter how hard I pulled.

Seth approached seconds later and his face paled dramatically at the sight of Dean.

Bruises on him were already starting to form from the impact as smoke came from the hood of the car. Glass had cut him in several places and blood stained his grey jacket. The only think keeping me sane was the rising and falling of his chest.

"It won't open." I say to Seth as he frantically pulled at the handle.

"No, Roman no," he said as he continued to pull, "It's gotta open ok? I'm not leaving him here, I'm not-"

"No ones leavening Seth." I say to him as I pulled him back slightly, both of our eyes fixed on Dean.

"Nikki I'm sorry!" I heard Brie's voice say and my head snapped up to look at her. I had actually forgotten that anyone else was even here.

"Maybe we can pull him out from Nikki's side." Seth mumbled and I nodded, walking around to the side where the girls were looking at Nikki.

"Can the door open?" I asked Paige and she shook her head.

"We already tried and it won't budge." She said to me and I still yanked on the door a few times anyway. With a little force it comes open and I reach in and unbuckle Nikki's seatbelt.

"Wait no." Brie said, "We shouldn't move them. The paramedics need to do that."

"Fuck that." I say to her while I carefully pick up Nikki and bringing her out of the car, then set her gently in the grass, "I'm getting my brother out this damn car."

The girls huddled around Nikki while other people were making calls on their phone, but I simply kept my mind on Dean as I retreated back to the car.

"It's alright uso laitiiti." I say to him as I carefully take his seatbelt off, just like I had done with with Nikki, "I got you."

"Did that mean Pineapples in your Hawaii language?" He mumbled, letting me know he was still conscious of somethings.

I let out a small laugh of relief and place a small kiss on his forehead as I place him in my arms and slowly bring him out, "It means little brother."

"You're so gushy mushy." He slurred slightly, then flinched when I almost lost my hold on him, "Fuck."

"Sorry sorry." I say as I finally take him out of the car and slowly place him down in the grass.

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