Messy Ice Cream Shirt (Logan)

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PLEASE NOTE! This book was started a long time ago (5 years). These first few parts are terrible because I didn't know how to write very well.
Please stick with me...they DO get better, longer, and more entertaining!! I promise! Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy!
~MS~ (2020)


When you meet Logan. I will add the others as separate chapters, just comment your requests! :)

I think you'll like all of them though, because who doesn't love a COD character?! :)



In the front of the line was a hot guy with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and muscles. Your friends, being obnoxious, cooed over him and whispered like young teenagers. The man didn't seem bothered by it and actually smirked, making you shake your head. After ordering i/c, you sat down to enjoy it with your friends.

"We forgot napkins. Y/N, can you get us some?" one of your friend's friend asked.

Grumbling with annoyance, you got up to grab napkins. Without having a chance to avoid it, you crashed right into the hot guy from the line. A freezing cold shock made you look down and narrow you e/c eyes.

"I'm so sorry," the man had ice cream spilled on him too.

Hearing giggling from your friends, you let out another grumble and then shoved your way past the man. Picking up the whole napkin container, you slammed it back on the table and then grabbed a handful. On the way out of the ice cream shop, you threw your smashed ice cream in the trash bin.

"Dammit," you growled as you tried to get most of the ice cream off.

You knew it was definitely going to stain your new f/c shirt. Instead of trying to get off more ice cream, you slid down the side of the building and hugged your knees.

Jumping in place when the ice cream shop door opened, you suddenly narrowed your eyes and tried to look angry.

"Yeah see you later guys," the guy who had made the mess on your shirt waved to his friends.

The guy's eyes widened when he turned to start walking the way you were sitting. You didn't try to meet his eyes and instead looked away.

"Get all the ice cream off?" he asked, taking another step forwards.

Not replying, you turned slightly so your back was to him. You heard a sigh and then something cold bumped your arm. Looking to where it bumped you, your eyebrow raised.

"Take it," the man was holding his ice cream out to you.

It was the same ice cream you had ordered before. Thinking of the germs this man could have, you started to give it back.

"I grabbed you a new spoon and a napkin," the man held out both, still trying to meet your eyes.

"Thank you," you muttered.

"No," he paused, waiting for a name.

"Y/N," you mumble.

"Y/N, that's a nice name."

So cliche, you thought. "Thanks, you're?"

"Logan," the man held out his hand from where he crouched, his blue eyes hiding something behind them. "Logan Walker."

"Logan," you murmured, liking the sound of it on your tongue.

The both of you started talking and sat there for hours. You left with his number.

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