My Rescuer (Requested Mitchell)

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"Let me go please!" you shouted.

You sat strapped to a steel chair in an empty room. It was dim, but you could still make out general shapes and objects. Those that you could see told you that you were in a cell of some sort. You were completely alone, maybe with guards outside the only door to the door.

You wondered if anyone knew you were missing. You had been kidnapped leaving lunch to go back to work. While you had no idea what these people wanted with you, you also knew you hadn't pissed anyone off to get into the current trouble. They had to be using you as a puppet for someone else, you figured.

"Hey! Please!" you cried out towards the door. "Let me go! I don't have anything you'd want!"

POV Change (Temporarily)

"Mitchell, we don't have time to save the prisoner," Gideon decided. "We came for one thing only."

"They may be using her as a puppet," Ilona agreed.

"We can't just let a civilian die when we have a chance to rescue them," Mitchell argued.

"It will attract attention," Gideon grunted.

"We can handle it," Mitchell pressed.

The three soldiers fell silent. Gideon was entirely against the idea of saving the shouting woman. Ilona was slightly more leaning to helping, but she also sided with Gideon most times. Mitchell wanted to do what was right.

"I'll just go alone," Mitchell decided. "I will meet you two outside with the civilian."

"You're not going alone," Ilona stepped after him.

"Christ," Gideon rolled his eyes. "Five minutes and if we don't have her by then, we leave."

Mitchell led the way towards the room, dropping both of the men standing guard just outside it. Inside, the prisoner had quieted, as if accepting no rescue would come. Mitchell smiled at the thought of the woman's surprise and relief.

"Blow the door," Gideon looked to Ilona, who set charges on the thick door.

Upon the explosion of the locked door, there was a small scream of shock. Mitchell moved through the door first, gun at the ready if there were enemies inside the room too. Once seeing it was clear, he lowered his weapon.

He looked at you in curiosity, finding your e/c eyes wide and fearful. As he locked gazes, however, a sharp twinge came to his gut.

Back to your POV

You looked up at the stranger in fear. They had entered much differently than other people had- literally by exploding the damn door. The three of them were also dressed differently to the other men who'd come in at times.

The man at the front had locked gazes with you first. The bright blueness of them mesmerized you and the trust that poured into your chest was almost impossible. A sharp thump came to your gut, deep too.

"Are you here to help me?"

"Yes, hurry up," a British-sounding man spoke from behind the man still staring at you.

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