The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Soap)

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"I think my mother is planning on giving this baby his entire wardrobe for the rest of his life," you skimmed over a magazine blindly, paying more attention to your words spoken.

"Let her, less for us to buy. And as long as she doesn't go too girly I'm okay with it. I won't have my son dressing unmanly."

You scrunched up your nose and peeked around your belly from where you rested on the bed. Soap turned, half of his face shaved. You tried not to smile and your lips twitched as you glared.

"Our child can dress however he wants."

Soap huffed and turned around. You groaned in annoyance.

"Is Roach coming tonight?"

Soap nodded from the bathroom and you set down the magazine to get up. Your belly was a nuisance at this point in the pregnancy, always in the way and aching hot; they didn't lie when they said being pregnant was like having an oven instead of a stomach.

"I don't want to change," you groaned, throwing a big sweater and comfy leggings on the bed.

"I'll help you."

To Soap's dark look you rolled your eyes. His hands came into contact with your hips as he gently swiped off your shirt. That was one thing you always enjoyed- no, appreciated- about him: he was so gentle and kind. He treated your body like an ice sculpture- something to marvel at and something fragile that needed to be taken care of very carefully. Sweet little things like helping you get dressed reminded you of how lucky you were.

Your gaze settled on the small diamond ring sitting sparkling on your left hand- fourth finger from the thumb, second from the pinky. Soap paused as he stood in front of you, shirtless and without a bra. His blue eyes didn't look over your body hungrily, they were focused deeply into your own.

"What are you thinking about, sweet?"

"How lucky I am," you smiled, touching his smooth jaw. "To have you and to have a healthy baby on the way."

Soap smiled, a rare sight considering the shit he'd been through years before he'd met you. Through all the military memories you often had to calm him down- it was easy because he was so susceptible to your touch.

"I think I'm the lucky one," Soap pecked your lips, then your jaw and your collarbone. Soon he'd kissed every muscle in your body as he worked to undress then redress your still self. "A hot, sexy wife, a son on the way."

You smirked and ran a hand through his hair as he offered you a legging leg hole. Resting your palms on his solid shoulders, you lifted and placed the foot. This was repeated before Soap slowly slid the leggings up your thighs, making sure to touch every inch of skin, every stretch mark from the pregnancy weight gain.

"I love you," he finally spoke after your sweater was on and you smiled.

Your lips met his and Soap clutched your hair to pull you closer. He could never quite get enough and that alone drove you insane. You always wanted to give him enough so you tried so hard to do so.

"We should go join the family," you sighed when you reluctantly pulled away.

"I know," Soap smirked. "I can't wait for you to not be pregnant."

You slapped his chest, hurting your hand more than him. "Shut the fuck up, you perv!"

Soap laughed.

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