Rock Hard Proposal (Keegan)

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It was a sunny day. Water from the river splashed up into the sky from children screaming and laughing with joy. They swam off to the left, the main slow pool of river water around them, while some couples and adults gently walked along the river's edge.

Your eyes were focused on the man.

He waded through the water with a group of younger children, blue eyes trained on the shallow rippling water. His muscles tensed, he froze in place, and then he dove down with the cheap net given to him by one of the kids. When he returned, his thick hair was soaked, water dripped off his abs like beads rolling from a table. His biceps were flexed with the heavy net he now held.

"Wow, that's amazing!" one of the younger girls yelled excitedly.

"Can you teach us? Please?" another boy clasped his hands together.

The man put the pile of crawdads onto a large, flat rock. His laughter filled the air, making your lips crack a rare smile. "It's a secret, I can't."

His bright gaze shifted to where you sat on the tailgate of his truck. You resisted waving, not wanting to draw attention to yourself too much. His small, one-sided smile made you blush and you looked away while biting your bottom lip.

"The best thing you can do to learn is practice," the man set the net down and ruffled the blonde hair of the little girl.

The water made a slushing sound as the muscular man waded through the water across the river to the Day Use area on the other side. He exited the river, walking up the sandy bank barefooted and never taking his mysterious gaze off of you.

"Hello, beautiful," his voice was the vanilla to your Oreos.

"Hi," you forced yourself not to smile and become even more giddy inside.

"Mind if I join you?" the man motioned to the tailgate next to you.

"Sorry I have a boyfriend," you stuck your tongue out.

"Oh, well I feel sorry for him."

"Shut up, Keegan!"

He let out a laugh and jumped up next to you. "Oh, I love you, Y/N."

You wiggled in his wet arms now clinging to your warm, dry body. A glare rippled through your eyes and you let out a grumble. "You son of a bitch!"

Keegan let out a chuckle and moved away when you punched his rock hard abs. You rang out your tank top, letting out another frustrated grumble. Keegan watched you as you swept back your h/c hair and gripped the edge of the tailgate.

"Do you know how to skip rocks?"

The question was beyond random.

"Uh, no," you glanced to him.

"Well," Keegan got off of the truck tailgate and then faced you, putting his hands on your knees, "I'm going to teach you."

"You're a terrible teacher," you mumbled playfully.

"I can be," Keegan touched your jaw, running it along to your chin. "You and I both know that's not always the case."

"Stop," you started giggling and then flung yourself at him.

Keegan lifted you up and held you against his damp body. You sighed, breathing in his sweet masculine scent.

"You better be nice."

"Why would I not be?" Keegan pouted, pulling away to look at your beautiful e/c eyes.

"Because you're not," you teased, running a hand through his thick black hair.

"Come on," Keegan walked you down to the river's edge.

Keegan took up a couple of perfectly flat, rounded rocks and tossed them in his hand. You glanced to the people playing in the river downstream. Where you were was even calmer water, the river almost acting like a lake.

"Grab a few rocks similar to these ones and throw," Keegan was beyond simple sometimes.

Keegan flicked his wrist the opposite way someone would throw a Frisbee, making the rock skip three times and then sink down into the water. You watched with amazement as the next two bounced twice.

"Try," Keegan gently put a rock into your hand.

You attempted to skip the smooth rock in your palm. With embarrassment, you watched as it hit the water with a loud plop and sank to the bottom. You awaited Keegan's laughter.

"Try flicking your wrist more," Keegan rested another rock in your hand, his lips touching your hair gently. "Keep your hand flatter."

You took a deep breath and attempted again. The rock, once again, sank to the bottom of the shallow river. You let out a sigh of defeat and faced Keegan.

"What's the point of this?"

"A challenge of course," Keegan smirked. "The first to get four skips gets to make a wish."

"A wish?" you tested. "Anything I want?"

"If you win."

You narrowed your eyes playfully. "Challenge on!"

Keegan let out a chuckle as you gathered up rocks and tried over and over to skip rocks. You failed every time, but hearing Keegan throw twos and threes constantly drove your determination to beat him. The idea of a kitten was the only thing that sounded pleasant to you currently.

"I got two!" you yelled, jumping up in triumph.

"Work for four," Keegan laughed, throwing another three.

You quickly threw a few more rocks, skipping three times at most. Keegan was glancing towards you rather worriedly. You hoped your attitude was showing brightly; you were determined to win this challenge.

"I got four!" Keegan shouted, pointing to where a fourth bounce starting sinking to the bottom.

You dropped the rock in your hand, a pout covering your lips. "You were just leading me on, you ass!"

Keegan faced you, his smile fading only slightly. "I'll make my wish and then I'm going to make it five. Okay?"

"You'll win anyways."

Keegan gripped your arms. "I'll let you win!"

"Fine," you still didn't understand the point to Keegan's challenges.

Turning, you bent over to pick up more rocks. A hard poke on your butt made you stand up quickly. Keegan was starting to piss you off.

"Keegan P. Russ, knock it o-off," you stammered when you came face to face with Keegan on the ground. "Why are you on one knee?"

"Y/N Y/L/N, will you make my only wish come true by marrying me?"

Your jaw dropped and you started shaking in shock. This man, kneeling in front of you with an innocent, pleading look in his eyes, was asking you to join him for the rest of your life- if you chose to. Everything the two of you had been through, good and bad, made you think it was worth it.

"Yes," it was a firm whisper.

Keegan's smile was priceless. It was like the sunlight just after a rainy weekend. The boy on their birthday who got the bike he'd always wanted. What were you imagining? It wasn't like any of those things. It was a complete look of admiration, of love. Love is a hard thing to define, but standing there, looking into Keegan's bright blue eyes, you knew that's what love was.

It was in that moment that Keegan launched up and wrapped his muscular arms around you. You let out a small cry of happiness as his tears of awe soaked into your shirt. You kissed his cheek, his neck, his shoulder, everything you could get your lips on. Keegan finally kissed you deeply, his thick lips melting into your own.


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