I Will Beat You (Mitchell)

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It was Saturday and one of the first weekends you actually had off work. You spent it in your pajamas, cheating on your diet and switching between playing video games and binge watching your favorite shows. 

Your boyfriend of two years, on the other hand, wanted to go out a practically see the world. He wouldn't leave your presence, constantly pushing you to go out grocery shopping with him or exercise even a little. You shunned him. 

There was no way your perfect weekend was going to be spent eating healthy or exercising- that included walking around a store. 

"Please, Y/N? We won't be gone very long," Mitchell pouted from across the living room in his chair. 

You glanced to him from your game: Battlefield 3. "I don't care how long we're gone, I'm not going." 

"But we're going to starve," Mitchell rested his chin on his hands which rested on his knees. "We need food before you go insane from not finding any." 

"Doesn't mean I have to go with you to get it."

Mitchell sighed and sat back, the back of his shirt scrunching up from his movement. You wanted to make him take off his shirt entirely. 

"I want to spend quality time with you, Y/N." 

"Quality time doesn't always have to be going out," you snapped and caused Mitchell to narrow his blue eyes. "It can be spent here, watching movies or cuddling in silence." 

"Silence doesn't sound all too pleasing." 

"Then we can yell and cuddle," you earned an amused chuckle from Mitchell. "Look, if you beat me in a match of Uno, then I will leave with you and go wherever you like." 

You knew, this time, that you'd win. The Uno game installed onto the PlayStation was one of your favorites. Mitchell on the other hand, well, he didn't like it as much. You knew, though, that if he really wanted you to go with him, he'd play no matter what. 

"Hmm, that sounds a little unfair," Mitchell looked to you. 

"I'll go easy." 

"You never go easy." 

Even with his words, Mitchell still picked up a controller. He moved to sit next to you on the floor while you restarted the PlayStation to put in the Uno game. His blue eyes narrowed towards the screen. 

"I will beat you this time." 

We'll see about that. 

You both began a game. The game told who got what cards as Mitchell dealt the realistic ones right between you. Basically, the Uno game only kept score and registered moves played whenever you two placed the cards onto the mini platform. 

You won the first game...of course. 

Mitchell didn't say much, yet continued to restart the match and deal once more. This continued for a good hour...and you kept winning. Secretly you enjoyed it, but you knew Mitchell's high level of patience was starting to wear thin and that thought scared you. 

"Uno!" Mitchell rested a blue seven down and you eyed the three cards you held. 

Mitchell gazed at you with triumph, knowing he was going to win. What he didn't know, though, was that you had a Wild Draw Four Card. Yeah, that one to always piss off the players with one card and make the game last another half hour. 

And you were contemplating on playing it. 

"Dammit," you growled, reaching to draw a card that couldn't be played. 

Mitchell's smirk widened when he placed his last card down. He reached up to the sky and let out a happy shout. You couldn't help but smile to his childish motives. 

"Finally, I won!" Mitchell straightened himself. "Now show me what made you lose." 

You let out an irritated sigh and flipped your four cards down- two blues, a red and that dangerous Draw Four card. 

"You could've played the Draw Four," Mitchell eyed you. 

"I wanted to let you win." 

Mitchell crossed his muscular arms. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. What am I going to do with you?" 

"Let me stay home?" 

Mitchell picked up all the cards and began to shuffle them once more. You tilted your head with interest. 

"What are you doing?" 

"What's it look like?" Mitchell started dealing out seven cards. "I'm playing you again and this time I'm beating you for real." 

You couldn't help but laugh. "Does this mean we're not going anywhere today?" 

"It means I'm going to beat you!" 

You knew that it was going to be a long game of Uno. 

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