The Art of Colored Fire (Gideon)

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At eight years old, you were seen by your family as an intelligent, responsible human being. You loved school; education and learning was fun for you, especially since you had friends. There were always the weekend "play-dates."

"I bet you my board can roll faster!"

Your young friend, Jenny, ran to and picked up her skateboard decorated in all pink. You wildly looked to her and spun one of your wheels with a grin.

"Mine has always been the fastest."

"I fixed mine!"

"Okay," you were up for the competition.

The two of you raced for the steeply paved road that led down immediately into the school parking lot. Luckily, there weren't any side roads that connected to the one you lived on. The only cars came from driveways, the elementary school or from behind.

"Three, two," Jenny looked to you and grinned as she sat on her wide board and held on to the side to steer, "one!"

There was suddenly a whip of wind in your h/c hair as you began to coast down the hill. Jenny picked up speed rather quickly at first, leaving you trailing behind a little further, until you soared past her.

"Ha ha! I win!" you shouted back, looking over your shoulder to see Jenny rolling off her abruptly stopped board.

Before you could do anything to slow yourself and check on her, a foot stopped yours as well. You flew forwards, rolling to land on your bum like your parents had always taught you to. You gazed up in anger and fear to the twelve year old boy who usually bullied Jenny and yourself. He belonged to the duo of 7th graders. A third, newer boy stood off to the side.


"Nice boards!" the one who'd stopped Jenny, named Conrad you thought, was picking up her pink board.

The older boy you didn't know picked yours up, gazed at it and then looked to you, his head tilting only slightly. His dirty blonde hair spiked up into the typical little league and young football player impression. He bore solid blue eyes that, if you stared long enough, would burn holes into your own.

"Were you actually trying to race down that hill?" Conrad continued. "That's dangerous for little girls like you."

"Leave us alone!" Jenny stood up, gingerly brushing herself off.

"Dangerous, yet something we could use," the boy standing closer to you smirked to his third friend- known as Justin.


"Say," the boy looked to you and you flinched, "what do you think about helping us prank some houses later tonight?"

"My mama says-"

"We don't care what your mother thinks!" Conrad snapped at Jenny. "If you're going to be like that then you won't come!"

Jenny opened and then closed her mouth, looking towards you.

"We're going to be setting off fireworks on the old people's houses."

You finally found a voice. "That's mean."

"That's the point of a prank," the boy laughed and offered you a hand that you used to get up. "What do you say?"

"Okay," you somewhat liked the idea of not following your parents' rules.

"My name is Gideon by the way," he grinned. "I'm from Europe."

That was why you didn't recognize him in the trio.

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