Blind Easters (Logan)

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You'd been invited for a family get-together for Easter. You were only half excited because of all the questions of where you'd been would be brought up once you arrived. On the plus side, you'd be able to see all of the little cousins and kids do their annual Easter Egg Hunt.

When you arrived to your parents' home, you walked in to a large amount of party guests. Most were family, but some were friends who you'd seen around before. Your mom/dad walked up to you and gave you a gentle hug.

"Hey, Y/N! How have you been?"

You replied with a short "good" and then continued on to find the little stinkers. The children were playing down in the basement with video games and the mini pool table. There were Nerf darts flying everywhere and you were hit by a few. Sometimes you considered yourself childish when you threw back a dart or two.

"Y/N!" one of your cousins lit up.

You smiled and picked up the child, hugging him/her as you did so. "How are you?"


You set down your cousin to turn and face your parents' friend. She stood with a taller man, you assumed a boyfriend, and waved to you through the chaos.

"Y/N! Come upstairs for a moment would you?"

You quickly darted through the basement chaos and bounded up the stairs. The man smiled to you once you rounded the corner and you gave a shy, awkward smile back.

"Y/N, this is her son, Logan," your mom/dad introduced you to the handsome man.

"Pleasure to meet you," you smiled.

"The pleasure is mine," the man replied, giving you a small smirk.

"Since he's around your age, you two will be doing your help together," you smiled to your mom/dad's words.

"I'll show you around, Logan," you motioned for the man to follow you.

Logan and you both hung out for the entire party, talking, laughing, eating, dancing, helping with the hunts for Easter eggs. You were growing to like him more and more as you spoke to him.

That's why you hated when the time came to say goodbye to everyone, especially Logan.

"I'll see you around," you smiled.

"Of course," Logan replied, eyeing you with sparkling blue eyes.

You felt a little awkward while waiting for anything else to happen. You weren't even sure if something would happen. Secretly, you hoped for the wait to pay off.

"Here's my number," Logan held out his hand. "Maybe we can get together sometime and have lunch or something."

"That'd be nice," you agreed, letting your hand touch his as you took the paper.

"Yeah," Logan smiled, looking into your e/c eyes.

"See you," you waved goodbye.

"Bye," Logan glanced back.

"Bye," you were messing up.

Logan let out a chuckle and waved to you. You raised your hand to wave back and smiled.

"Don't forget," Logan called back from his car.

"I won't," you promised.

Little did you know, that was the start to a whole bigger world.


Little thing I thought of for Easter! I might do more if I'm not too busy today/tomorrow!

Spread the word! I want 1K on this really badly! More votes too? That's the best Easter basket in the world! If I get that, your basket will contain lots of updates on everything!

Please! I love you all! 

Happy Easter, everyone!


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