Savior (Mitchell)

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Just something random I thought of for a Mitchell moment! It's also kind of based off a dream I had when I was a little younger, except Mitchell wasn't exactly a character in it. I'm sorry it's so long (kind of), there were a lot of details AND I haven't done a Mitchell chapter in a while.

Vote, Comment ideas, and follow! My recent goal is to make 300 followers and then we'll celebrate with the mother-load of updates!!! :D

Btw, I've forgotten some of the requests, so can those of you who requested/want to request either PM or comment here again. I'm sorry, I've just been really unorganized lately.

Enjoy, you Mitchell lovers!



You were snuggled up in the covers of your bed. Though your eyes were closed, you felt tense. Something didn't seem right. It wasn't your sleeping parents or the flickering lava lamp by your bed.

In an instant, your eyes were open and you were looking around your room. Nothing was with you and nothing had disturbed you. You didn't understand why you were up at this late into the night. It had to be two in the morning.

Getting up, you opened your bedroom door and headed to the bathroom. After you were done, you decided to walk into the kitchen for a small nighttime snack. A sharp burn on your left shoulder made you stop. There was something off.

A small gasp escaped your lips when you saw the face of a man looking through the window of your door. Your heart thudded against your chest, urging you to do something even though you had no idea as to what. The man didn't seem to see you, surprisingly, but was talking to someone next to him.

Thinking quickly, you shuffled to a corner in the room. You ducked next to one of the short shelves, hoping the man wouldn't see you. When the door slowly unlocked and then rocked open, you let out a shaky breath. The guns were locked away in your parents' room and there was no way to get there without crossing the path of the intruders. Still, the glint of a kitchen knife caught your eye.

"Get anything valuable and then put it in the car," a deep whisper commanded.

"What about that girl, she looked cute from earlier today," another voice hissed.

"Do whatever the hell you want with her, just don't wake the parents," the first voice hissed.

"Jewelry," a third voice as nearby and you realized the man was standing by the living room shelf, holding up your mother's diamond necklace.

"Bag it," the commanding voice spoke, throwing a bag.

The men split up into your large house, leaving you to sit there with multiple options. If you took off into your parents' room, then the man who'd gone to look for you would catch you. If you darted for the kitchen, the man who'd grabbed your mother's jewelry was there. The third, commanding, man had gone to check the backyard and one-bedroom apartment, so he wasn't an issue.

A part of you wanted to dart towards the front door, but you had to cross views with the kitchen to do such a thing. You decided it was best to go towards the kitchen. It was large enough that you could avoid being seen if you timed it correctly. Besides, it was also the only way for you to get a weapon silently.

"Nothing in the fucking kitchen," the man, with ruffled brown hair, was grumbling as he searched through the kitchen.

You instantly crouched down and sank behind the island-bar in the middle of the kitchen. Your shoulder bumped one of the pans and it wiggled against the side of the separate counter. Immediately, your jaw clenched and you froze, hoping the man hadn't heard. After a few seconds, you began crawling forwards again, sitting down against the side of the bar.

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