Forever Neutral (Requested Salen Kotch)

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"Miss, Admiral Kotch is boarding now."

"Thank you," you continued to look out across the stars at your high point in the bridge.

The new soldier turned and went back to business, leaving you pondering once again what you were doing.

Usually you would stay out of whatever the solar system was up to, sticking to your own army and being neutral to all others. Here you were now, agreeing to meet with the Admiral of the SDF's eighth Orbital Fleet. You knew he wanted something and your gut told you it was help- not the kind you usually gave however. Your help included helping move settlements around or warning certain armies of a dangerous cluster of space junk your ship had stumbled upon. Your help was not directed in war efforts.

"Commander Y/L/N," there was a smooth voice behind you and you turned to meet the face belonging to it.

"Salen Kotch," you eyed the scarred face of the man who'd tried to convince you to fight before. "A pleasure to see you."

His brown eyes softened, a trick he usually tried to play. "The pleasure is mine."

"What brings you here?"

His steady eyes glanced around at the busy activity of the bridge. "Perhaps somewhere more private?"

You nodded and swept past him, heading for a small conference room. Kotch entered after you and you shut the door, motioning for him to sit down. As he sat, you took a seat across from him.

"UNSA forces are pressing forwards."

"Sounds interesting."

Kotch breathed out. "I need support, more power, to stop them."

"Sounds like personal problem you've managed to get yourself into."

"I'd love it if you helped me do it."

You stood up, shaking your head. "I don't frolic in the war department, Kotch. You won't have my help."

"I'll give you anything you want, Y/N."

You narrowed your gaze downwards at his iron features. "I don't need anything."

"I could give you more ships to control, to be able to defend yourself with if ever needed."

You eyed him.

"Perhaps more weapons or soldiers."

"I handpick my soldiers," you hissed, leaning forwards on the table. "Why don't you leave the colonies I protect and aid alone?"

"Done," Kotch didn't falter in his serious expression.

"What's a few ships going to do to help your hundreds?"

"You have powerful ships, skilled soldiers. UNSA forces would be nothing in comparison. With your leadership-"

"Don't try to induce me, Kotch. I'm perfectly capable of knowing what I have and what I don't. What's behind this?"

"Nothing," he spoke quickly. "I simply don't want to lose."

You narrowed your gaze again and then looked to the door, just opening to interrupt. Upon the face of a recruit, you lightened your hazy face with a small smile.

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