One for Me (Requested Zussman)

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"How small can someone be? I mean, look!"

You ignored the taunting voice of Aiello, focusing on the task of helping some Privates move supplies. Behind your activity were the boys of your platoon: Aiello, Daniels, Zussman, and Stiles. All of them watched you with shit-eating grins.

"There, that should work," you told the men, their faces unscarred by the face of war.

Without another word, you spun around and marched over to where the boys were sitting around a dead fire pit. Your fingers attached themselves to Aiello's ear and he let out a squeal, dropping his water canteen. You put your face directly in front of his.

"Don't say anything like that again or you won't have either one of these ears to hear anyone. Understand?"

Aiello rapidly nodded and you smiled, releasing the tight pinch. You moved away from him, looking at the others- all silent. While you weren't the oldest nor the youngest, you had respect with the men. Your temper was fierce and, according to Stiles, your bite was worse than your bark.

"I'm curious to know if you'd actually do it," Zussman pondered, a hand on his chin.

You tapped your fingers against your knife on your leg. "Shall we find out on you first?"

Zussman sucked in his lower lip and shook his head. The others chuckled, causing me to grin at the teasing. I gently cuffed his right ear and spoke lowly so the others wouldn't pick up on it.

"Your ears are too cute to cut off anyways."

It was as if Zussman had been harshly pummeled in the gut, his breath inhaling and exhaling with a grunt. You raised a curious eyebrow and released his head.

"Y/L/N and Zussman, get ready," Turner came up, Pierson on his hip.

"Why sir?" Stiles was always one to question.

"They're going with Pierson on a scouting expedition."

"Great," Zussman muttered; Pierson hated him the most.

You dipped your head and looked to Pierson, who was already doing the same to you. While Pierson was an ass, you'd backed him multiple times. It had earned you the slightest degree of respect from him. Currently, the established relationship between you was solid.

The biggest aspect that would divide you during this excursion was Zussman. Pierson always was harshest to him and you typically, naturally defended Zussman. You didn't think the Technical Sergeant needed to be so hard.

"I call shotgun," you looked to Zussman, who usually drove.

Pierson let out a huff and wandered off to find his own weapon. You smirked and then gave Zussman a hand to a standing position.

"Making him sit in the back?"

"I can't make him do anything," you smiled. "I just know he won't push anything with me."


"No sign of Kraut activity," Pierson reported.

"Err, is that a good or bad thing?"

"Depends, Private."

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