It's Me (Requested Ghost)

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The pain had been unbearable. 16 months and nothing. No replies, contact, show of his face. Nothing. You'd given up hope.

For the first few nights he was supposed to come home, you would sit on the couch all night and wait for him to walk in the door. As the long weeks turned to months, you'd given up that he was coming home; that he was dead. You couldn't handle it.

The house was close to being paid off, but with your job, you had no way of finding the money to pay for it without making sacrifices. You wouldn't eat as much, saving money on food. You wouldn't drive to save money on gas and car expenses. You kept the lights turned off and tried to use as little water as possible.

You lived as cheap as you could possibly manage. It wouldn't be long until you would find someone to take care of you until you got back under your feet, whether it was family or a new significant other.

"Coming!" you moved away from the sewing machine to answer the knock on the door.

Getting up in shorts and tank top on the refreshing evening, you walked across the wood floor to the front door. You fixed your hair in case it was someone you had to look semi-nice for before opening the door. Your breath hitched in your throat as you came face to face with the bright green-blue eyes.

"Hello, my love," he spoke in a quiet British accent.

"Simon," you whispered.

He held out his hands for a hug, but you backed away harshly. His gaze dropped from something bright to something more hidden and confused.

"Sixteen months and you haven't communicated, Simon!" you yelled. "I thought you were dead! Or missing or wounded or, or something!"

"I'm sorry," he whispered, stepping into the house and closing the door as you walked through the house, trying to avoid him.

"I shouldn't be here! I should be somewhere better with another guy or family. Someone that doesn't leave me for as long as you ever have!" you yelled, walking through the house. "Relationships are supposed to have commitment, Simon!"

Simon slowly followed you around the house. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I really am."

"You haven't even committed. One moment you're here, the next you're gone for months. I'm tired of this; the emotional wrecks that I go through! We're done!" you rounded the corner to face Simon.

He grabbed your wrists and shoved you up against the wall harshly, his sweet breath in your face. "I have committed, Y/N! I've tried so hard to put you first. I got caught up in some serious shit, but I'm not leaving again! Why? Because I want to stay with you forever and raise a family! Because I love you!"

You were silent, tears running down your eyes.

"I love you, Y/N, and I don't want to lose you," Simon whispered.

"You're never leaving?" you demanded, sniffling.

Simon wiped the tears from your face with his hands. "Not ever again, I promise."

Slowly you nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips engulfed yours. You fell into the kiss, running your hands along his tan, muscular body. Simon picked you up against the wall and kissed your neck so you could run your hands through his thick, soft hair.

Simon pulled away to look into your eyes. His gaze held mostly guilt and curiosity, but something inside them held a heat of passion; lust. He wanted you as much as you wanted him.

"Oh shit!" you suddenly made Simon drop you.

You ran into the the kitchen, fanning the pot boiling over the sides. You worked quickly to fix the mess with a groan. Simon chuckled from behind you.

"You never were the type to be good at cooking."

"Shut up! I've survived without you!" you glanced to him, earning a sly smirk.

Simon came over and took over cooking. He planted a gentle kiss on your lips. "Go relax on the couch, I'll finish this for you."

"Thank you," you kissed his jaw, making him grow suddenly weak next to you; you knew that was his soft-spot.

Simon came into the living room a few moments later, his hands covered by two plates of food. You had cuddled up inside a blanket, watching TV with a small smile on your face. He sat down next to you, gently handing you a plate.

After you ate, you huddled up against Simon. He wrapped a muscular arm around you and held you tightly against his large form. You closed your eyes, breathing in his masculine scent as he breathed in your sweet one.

"I could stay like this forever," Simon suddenly murmured.

"I could think of a better position," you replied.

"Oh?" Simon raised an eyebrow.

"Me sleeping on top of you, naked," you whispered.

Simon grunted. "I like the sound of that."

He was suddenly kissing you, leaning forwards as you pulled away. You moved backwards on the couch as a tease, Simon crawling over you. His lips went for yours, but you ducked down so your back was against the cushions.

"Quit teasing me, girl," Simon growled, pinning your hands above your head and kissing your lips.

"Can't help it," you smirked, collapsing his body against yours with your legs and arms.

"More controlling, I like it," Simon stripped off his shirt.

"You're about to like a whole lot more than that."

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