Baby's First Easter (Requested Hendricks)

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Little late and unedited but hey, it's written! :)


"I don't think this is a good idea."

You only laughed from where you quickly touched up your makeup in the car's visor. "Why do you think that?"

"One, I dislike kids and, two, I don't think your father likes me very much."

You giggled again, tightening your lipstick. "Hon, all fathers hate their daughters' first guy they bring home."

Hendricks only sighed, taking the key out of the ignition. You touched his hand, squeezing it carefully.

"Hey, we get the bed in the shed," you grinned. "Completely away from my family."

"Does it lock?"

"Perhaps," you giggled as Hendricks pecked your cheek multiple times.

"Let's go then, shall we?"

You got out of the car, insisting on grabbing your duffel bag. Hendricks rested a hand on your shoulder, guiding you up the three steps to your parents' grand front door.

As you reached up to knock, the door flew open. With a bright, wide smile, your mother let out a squeal of delight. She clung to you, making you drop your bag in shock.

"Oh, Y/N!" she grinned, touching your cheeks. "I missed you so much!"

"Hi, mom," you smiled.

"My son," your mother called Hendricks what she always had.

Hendricks had to bend over to politely accept her hug. His blue eyes glanced to you and he gave a gentle wink, showing he was okay with the smothering. You bit you lip to stifle laughter.

"Come, come," your mother picked up your bag. "The kids are starting their Easter hunt! Just leave your bags at the door."

Hendricks made you walk through the living room after your mother, playfully trying to flat tire your heels. You turned and smacked his bare bicep, earning a fit of uncontrolled laughter from him.

"Aunt Y/N!"

You caught your youngest niece in your arms as she ran into them. "Hey you!"

"Look how many eggs I have!"

You looked at the three plastic eggs the girl had gathered. "Want me to help you find more?"

"No," she looked to Hendricks, who stood rigid. "I want him to help me reach into the trees and fence!"

Hendricks tenderly swallowed and then nodded. "Come on you."

The two jumped off the porch and disappeared into the acres of backyard your parents kept. You smiled watching them, silently wishing Hendricks and you could have a child; it was an argument and discussion the two of you frequently had.


You turned and hugged your father. "Dad!"

"Where's your boyfriend run off to?"

"Dad, he's my fiance," you reminded, twisting the ring on your finger nervously, "and he's out helping the younger kids get eggs."

"Hmm," your father huffed. "He been treating you well?"

"DAD!" you were almost embarrassed. "Jacob isn't like that! He's treating just fine!"

Your father moved to flip the hamburgers on the grill. "He just seem the soft type."

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