Take a Drunk Girl Home (Requested Alex Mason)

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Okay, I know some of you may not like country music BUT the lyrics to this song are what inspired me to write this scene in particular for you!

I PROMISE all of you who have requested will see the updates soon! I have been stacked with schoolwork and there's a horse show I'm going to be in this weekend so I've been busy and will continue to be busy. I'm unsure that there will be updates next weekend :(

With being short on time, this is unfortunately unedited.

I still hope you enjoy!



"I can't do this the entire evening," your roommate groaned from the apartment living room, sitting on the couch with papers surrounding her.

"Sure you can!"

"No, Y/N. We should be out at that party."

"The last time we partied-"

"It won't get that out of control," your friend snapped. "Please?"

You set down your pen and ran a hand through your hair. "I'm not drinking anything."

She smiled. "Then you can be my designated driver."

"Deal. I refuse to ever drink again."


The burning of your throat was not from laughing or yelling over music. It was from the intoxication that had you under its grasp. Next to you, your friend sidled up next to a drunk guy, rather hot through your spinning vision. He had blonde hair and green eyes, seemed muscular too.

"Dibsss," your friend slurred, smashing her lips to the man's.

You winced, not quite drunk enough to not be able to tell what she meant. You weren't the type for one-night stands, but she seemed to be. You turned away from the both of them and stumbled over to the counter of the club to order another mixed drink.

You couldn't help yourself. The drinks had tricked you by tasting so good (some of them anyways) and hiding their alcohol almost completely. You found yourself drunk within two hours of being at the club. It didn't help that you were a lightweight.

"Another one?" you breathed after chugging the extra large shot of the sweet tequila mix.

The woman behind the counter looked reluctant but she was getting paid so she disappeared to make another. You leaned against the counter, the cool marble on your elbows and forearms.

"I don't suggest you have another drink, miss."

You glared over towards a handsome, older man. He was in his thirties at least, making him a good ten years older than yourself. He had dark brown, maybe black because it was hard to tell with the lighting, hair and squinted almond eyes. You couldn't tell the color of his serious gaze.

"Leave me alone."

"You don't want to take someone home?"

The man was hinting at your number one rule to not do. "No."

The man's lips thinned, his eyes narrowing.

You clutched the glass that the woman brought to you and slurped it down, a giggle rumbling in your throat at the tingling feeling pitting in your stomach. You slammed the glass down a little too hard, the object shattering in your grasp.

"Hey!" the woman snapped, looking sharply down her nose at you.

The man who had been annoying you was suddenly next to you, gripping your wrist and cautiously wiping glass off your hand. The woman glared at him as you did.

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