The Cutie Behind the Camera (Requested Hesh)

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You wanted it to be perfect and exactly how he wished it to be. Even though you were nervous to be taking photos of a more popular guy at school, you wanted to make sure it was a pleasant time. You were getting paid for as well.

Your fingers adjusted and fiddled with the camera settings as you waited for David Walker to arrive. The park he'd chosen was a little off-the-grid, but you knew it...been to it many times. It was a beautiful scene with a plethora of options for senior photos; the river was a nice addition to sunset pictures, while the sunlight coming through trees could give a more fall-like look.

"You must be Y/N," you spun around to the bored voice.

"Hi! Yes, and you must be David," you blinked to the six foot, lean high schooler in front of you.

He was handsome all dressed in his casual clothing for the shoot. You'd seen him around school, had chemistry with him. David was senior who never said a whole lot in his group. He just watched. Calculated. His eyes were a pine green, a twin to the trees sitting on the hills around the park, while his hair was the bark of those trees and styled to his usual look.

You hated to admit it, but you'd had a crush on him since your first day at the new school. The sad part was that he didn't even know you or your name before today; his parents likely told him your name. Some people were just out of each other's leagues...him more than you in this instance.

"I prefer Hesh, but yeah that's me."

"Hesh," you tested the word and then perked up. "Come on, you should sound more excited for your shoot!"

He shrugged. "My parents are the ones who want this, mostly my mother."

"Oh come on," you started walking for the first setting. "I'll get you looking so good in these photos that all the girls at school are going to drool."

"Wait, you go to school with me huh?"

You sucked on your lower lip as you switched a setting on your camera. "Uh, yeah. But who cares about me, this is your shoot. Lean against that tree and pose!"

Hesh obeyed, lips turning up into a weak smile that didn't show teeth. You snapped a couple photos and then shook your head.

"Uh uh. Nope. I'm going to need you to smile the best you can. Teeth and all."

Hesh rolled his eyes and then flashed a fake smile that just about made you choke on air. You snapped the photo that would be perfect and then realized the height difference...your angle was upwards at him. None of the photos would be perfect if that was the case.

"Hold on a second," you looked over the nearest tree which split and created a sport for you to kneel in. "Okay, head to the tree just there and pose how you want."

You scrambled into the tree with a frustrated grumble. Hesh watched keenly from his spot where he changed his pose. Upon reaching the spot, you let out a sigh and then nodded, smiling.

"All right, give me a slight tilt to the left and smile."

You snapped a few more shots in that position. Hesh moved as you told him, leaning on the tree, standing more "portrait style," and striking more fun poses. While he wasn't enjoying it, you could tell he was lightening up a little bit.

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