Puppy Love (Gideon)

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"This is the fifth fucking time!" you yelled, stomping your foot.

"It's only the second! The other three were you fucking another man!" your soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend argued back.

"I couldn't resist because I come home to you treating me like shit and using me for your lazy ass!"

Your blood was boiling with anger, making your cheeks flush a small pink. This was the hundredth time in two years that the two of you were having an argument. You were sick and tired of dealing with his sorry ass who worked three hours each day, came home to find a woman to mess around with and then drank till he was angry.

"I'm done with this! I've given you everything and you take it without caring!"

You clenched your fists. "MORE LIKE THE OTHER WAY AROUND ASSHOLE!"

"You don't deserve this!" the man picked up your vase your great grandmother had given you before she died.

"Stop! You're drunk!" you shouted, your voice cracking.

"I don't give a fuck!"

Your breath stopped in your throat as he threw the vase out of the apartment window. You ran towards the window, reaching for the antique. It burst on the pavement two stories below, creating a sound that would make anyone cringe.

"Not this either!"

You reached to stop the angry-drunk from throwing your purse and your belongings inside it out the window. It tumbled to the ground, bouncing off the black, rain-soaked back-road.

"YOU BASTARD!" you screamed.

"And definitely not THIS!"

A whimper made your eyes turn and dart to the chocolate lab puppy the drunk held. His blue eyes moved to meet your own in an innocent confusion. Your heart melted to the thought of the drunken man throwing your puppy- that you payed for- out of the window with the rest of your important belongings.

"NO!" you screamed again, stopping the puppy before he could be thrown out too.


You cried out in shock as the man tossed the puppy down onto the balcony and pushed it towards the stairs. The puppy, you decided to call him Ollie, let out a small whimper as he hit the balcony and then stumbled down the stairs.

"What the fucking hell?" you demanded.

"Get out of my apartment!"

"YOU GET OUT!" you knew it wasn't his to keep.

His hand came across your face, knocking you down into the curtains by the window. You let out a frightened whimper and touched your cheek with your hand.

"Stupid bitch," your drunk ex wiped his drooling mouth. "I don't need you anyways."

You watched as he stumbled out of the apartment, taking your car keys with a glare in your direction.

"Fuck you," you breathed.

Standing rather wobbly, you looked to the window and then back to the door. You didn't need him, you wanted your purse and your puppy. God, that sounded like something way too girlie for you to say. At the moment, a spa treatment sounded amazing.

"Ollie!" you called, climbing down the balcony towards the dimly lit alley below.

When you didn't hear a whimper or a bark of a response, you frowned. The poor pup had to be alive; you were betting on it, hoping on it. He was yours and the only thing you considered family to be left.

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