The One (Requested Logan)

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"Run Y/N! Run!"

You felt your feet carry you away from your older guy friend as he began to fight off the men who'd almost just kidnapped you. As much as you wanted to help him fight, you knew your friend could handle almost anything.

The anger and hate pulsing through your veins at the very moment was dangerous too. You were angry not only at the situation yet the one beforehand.

Your mother's boyfriend was abusive. He had come home drunk as hell and began to harm your mom. It pissed you off considering you had a slight case of anger issues that sparked here and there. Anyways, you'd tried to intervene however the boyfriend had almost struck you. Your mother told you to leave.

And so here you were.

"Bastard, I hope he gets hit by a car," you grumbled, slowing to a jog and catching your breath.

"You hope who gets hit by a car?"

You looked to where a man sat with a bandana on his head on a bench. He was looking steadily in your direction as you came out of an alleyway.

"My mom's boyfriend," you tilted your head. "Who are you?"

"My name is Gabriel," the man shrugged. "This man, he hurts your mother?"

"Yes," you grew angry again. "I wish I could...I could..."

"Kill him?"

"No!" you gasped. "I'm not that violent, I don't think. I would torture him and make him feel worse pain than what he's done to my mother."

"That's worse than killing, darling."

"How would you know?"

You took a step backwards as Gabriel stood up.

"We've been waiting for this moment. To destroy everything you love."

"What the fuck?" you were beyond confused at this point.

Gabriel suddenly pinned you against the wall of the brick building with the help of two darkly uniformed men. As they took over, you were kneed to the ground and forced to look up at Gabriel. He pointed a pistol in your face, aiming between the eyes.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way, darling."

You let out a little laugh, a sign that you were getting angrier at each passing moment. "Do it then. My life is fucked anyways. You're doing me a favor!"

Something in Gabriel's eyes flickered for the smallest, tiniest moment. You noticed the way his finger moved subtly away from the trigger of his weapon and how his fingers loosened on the hand grip. Your anger and hatred filled stare moved to his own, baring down on you like a predator and making you feel threatened.

"I see something in you, Y/N."

"How do you kn-"

"Something I could come to like," Gabriel lowered his weapon. "Come with me or I will kill you instead."

"What will you do to me?" the men holding your arms released you.

"Un-fuck your life."

As he held out a strangely welcoming hand, you glanced to the two men still standing guard over you. You knew with one head nod from Gabriel the men would snap you into two- possibly with their pinkies from their size. So, very slowly, you took the hand outstretched in your direction.

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