Annual Prank Wars Part 2! (Requested Keegan)

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Went on a hike yesterday for the first time in foreverrrr...I am sooo outta shape it ain't even cool. Ughhh I'm hurting today. -_- Anywayssss...

Originally I wasn't going to do a part 2, but I just thought these ideas were too good to be true! Thus PART 2 of the Prank Wars! :D

Sorry it sucks because I don't have a ton of time to update!



It'd been only six months since the last prank wars when they started for a second time. It was unusual, as stated by Kick, that there were two in one year. Most of the Ghosts, you included, knew it was because Merrick had gotten pranked well the last time.

You were fearful, without a doubt, that Merrick was out to prank mostly you. He had that way of knowing who did what without actually experiencing it. Keegan liked to assure you Merrick didn't have a clue who had dumped chili pepper powder in his coffee.

Keegan...he was one of the best things that had ever happened to you over the last six months. He'd shown you every skill from fighting to the sheets. He'd been there for every bad day, every gumpy mood. He'd told you about his past, something he rarely spoke of, and listened when you told him yours. You two were really a perfect match and if someone wanted to call it true love, they absolutely could.

"Where are you going?"

Keegan caught your hand as you rolled to get out of bed. You paused, half-clothed from the night before.

"I'm trying to go shower if you don't mind."

"I want to join you."

"Put want in one hand and shit in the other."

Keegan pouted, opening his crystal blue eyes to meet your e/c ones. That was one main thing about the two of you: neither of you were passive. That meant lots of stare downs and playful arguments.

"No," you spoke sternly before Keegan could say please in his long, persuasive way.

"Fuck you then," Keegan growled as he released your hand and burrowed into the covers once more.

You rolled your eyes, heading to the shower in Keegan's private bathroom. The water was cold at first, gradually increasing in temp as you stripped and stepped in. You let out a content sigh.

You washed, scrubbed, massaged. It felt like the longest shower you'd taken in a long time. That was until you opened your eyes to look at your hands.

"What the fuck?" you screeched, shoving the water off.

You looked through the glass door to the mirror and screamed once more. Keegan's worried footsteps came pounding in.

"What's wrong?"


Keegan started laughing, examining your naked blue-dyed body. You only grumbled and stormed out of the shower to pick up a towel. You attempted to scrub at the food coloring.

"Let me help," Keegan stepped forwards.

"Absolutely not," you pulled away and grinned playfully. "Perv!"

Keegan only smirked and clutched the towel. You pouted, attempting to cover yourself despite Keegan already seeing your bare skin, and allowed him to scrub viciously at the the blueness staining your flawless skin cells.

"Whoever the fuck did this is going to be killed," you grumbled.

"I don't think that's going to happen," Keegan looked at you, knowing blue eyes studying your own. "You and I both know who did this."

You looked away, biting your lip in frustration. Keegan sighed, wrapping the towel around your form protectively.

"Oh little Smurf, I prom-"

"What the HELL did you just call me?" you flung away from him. "A SMURF?"

Keegan only giggled like a little girl when you snapped him with the damp towel and bolted out of the bathroom. You let out a groan as you changed into a uniform for the day in front of a mirror.

"Smurf," you muttered, "I'll show you Smurf, asshole."

Keegan hopped in the shower, gaining your attention as he scrubbed his abs away from you, leaving your picture to be of his perfectly shaped ass. Your tongue touched your lips before you got up and stormed out of the room.

You were supposed to be mad at him.

"Y/N, what the hell is wrong with you?" Hesh appeared from his quarters, rubbing his groggy eyes.

"Someone made it so that the shower water dyed me blue," you groaned. "What's up with your uniform?"

Logan walked up next to me, fists clenched into balls of rage. "They're dyed pink. What else does it look like?"

"Who would've done this? Kick?"

"He's still asleep," Logan grumbled.

You looked at Hesh, widening your eyes. There was only one other person who could've possibly done pranks on all of you while asleep. It surprised you, what this person did, and you never would have thought that a person like so would even want to deal with childish things such as prank wars.

You slipped past Hesh to head towards Kick's quarters. You had to make sure it wasn't him who'd pulled all the pranks. Logan and Hesh followed close behind.

As you opened the door, the handle from the inside hit the wall- or what was supposed to be the wall. The echoing sound of an air horn made you jump out of your skin with a scream. Kick fell out of bed, letting out a yelp of surprise. Logan and Hesh simply jumped, plugging their ears. You hit your side on the sharp corner of Kick's dresser as well.

"Son of a bitch!" You ripped the air horn from the wall, clutching it tightly to your grasp. "Whoever did this is going to pay!"

Kick stood up, running a hand through his hair as he groggily shook his head. "Why are you blue?"

"Pranks," Logan stated.

"And lots of them," Keegan had joined the group, arms crossed.

Kick sighed and rolled his eyes. "It wasn't me, if that's what you're thinking."

Hearing a loud fit of laughter down the hall, you stormed out of the room into the center of the hallway. Down a good twenty feet from you stood Merrick, holding his shaking stomach.

"Y-You're a-actually bl-blue!" he continued laughing.

"What the fuck Merrick?"

"This is what you get for putting powder in my coffee," Merrick turned as you raised your arm.

Chucking the air horn as you could, you hit his shoulder blades. This only made the air horn go off once more, generating laughter from Merrick as he continued down the hallway.

"Merrick!" you stepped after him, but Keegan stopped you.

"Let the old man have some fun."

"He kind of deserves it," Hesh pointed out.

"Bullshit," you crossed your arms. "Have you seen me recently?"

All of the men started laughing, only pissing you off more.

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