Carnival (Hesh)

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"We can't go in without our tickets," you argued.

"I already have them," Hesh pulled out the purchased Fast Lane tickets.

You almost squealed in delight and watched as Hesh handed the two tickets to the security guard. He checked them and then looked to you.

"What's in the purse?"

You opened the purse and allowed to the guard to look through it. Hesh had grown angry from just that. He hated men who treated women and their privacy like shit. You gently gripped his hand.

"This cannot go in," the guard pulled out the new travel-sized thing of perfume Hesh had just bought you.

"It's perfume, that's bullshit," Hesh was clenching his fists, squeezing your hand tighter.

"Are we going to have a problem, sir?"

Hesh's glance to your fearful face made him relax in the hands just slightly. "No."

"Proceed," the guard handed you the purse.

You quickly walked through the gates of the large, popular carnival. Lit up by ride lights, the carnival was surrounded by the dark town. Throughout it though, it was bustling with families, couples and people.

"I just bought you that fucking scent too," Hesh was grumbling to himself.

"Let it go, David," you told him gently. "It was only a travel size."

Hesh continued to grumble to himself as you walked towards the first ride you wanted to go on: the spinning tea kettles. Hours before, when Hesh had surprised you with going to the carnival, you'd swore that you would get him sick.

"Enjoy the ride," the ride controller smiled to you both as he let you and five other people onto the ride.

You positioned yourself in one of the tea kettles, watching as Hesh angrily got on. He was still pissed off about the encounter earlier and you rolled your eyes. Sometimes he just couldn't cool down with your help.

You began spinning at the automatic speed the tea kettle started at. As you gripped the wheel in the middle, you looked to Hesh. He'd taken the wheel into hand to help you spin, but was looking around in anger. You began spinning the tea kettle as it spun around the main ride. Others were screaming around you as they whipped around.

Never once did you or Hesh laugh, shout, or throw up. It was a boring ride and after it stopped, you exited rather quickly. Hesh followed you in silence as you aimed yourself at the food cart selling cotton candy.

"One strawberry please," you told the cashier.

Hesh stood next to you in silence, glancing around with handsome green eyes. You glanced to him a few times while waiting. Once you got the cotton candy, you took some off of the cone and ate it.

"I don't want this to be ruined with your attitude," you finally faced Hesh and he stared slightly down at you. "So brighten up or I will walk home right now."

Hesh had already started laughing and you stopped short, raising a confused eyebrow at him. Reaching out a finger, Hesh scooped off the beard-shaped piece of cotton candy on your chin. He licked it off his finger and then took a piece off the cone.


"Not quite," Hesh leaned down and kissed your lips, licking as he pulled away. "Mmm, I like that flavor on your lips Y/N."

"Stop," you punched his muscular arm and giggled, heating up throughout the cheeks.

Hesh took your hand in his as he headed towards the Ferris wheel. You quickly finished the cotton candy with him before you got there so that you would be allowed on. Hesh threw the cone away as you walked up the ramp to the short line.

"Two?" a man asked you and you nodded.

Hesh sat down first, watching you gingerly step down into the cart. You sat next to Hesh, waiting for the wheel to start moving again. Slowly, it started guiding you both up. You gripped the rounded seat nervously and watched as the ground became smaller.

"Oh no!" Hesh made the cart shake just slightly. "We're going to fall!"

"Stop!" you yelled, widening your eyes in fear.

Hesh started laughing and you clenched your fists. He caught your hand as you went to punch his shoulder. Widening your eyes, you were suddenly slammed against Hesh's muscular body. One hand found his abs, another the side of his neck. Hesh gripped your hips and smirked up at you.

Smiling you leaned in and gently kissed him. You played with the end of his brown hair and felt him turning into a hungry beast below you. Your gut burned with desire to do things the public wouldn't want to see.

"Woah," you pulled away when the wheel stopped.

Looking around, you realized it had stopped to load more carts. Your cart currently sat at the top. You smiled in delight and took in the view.

"More time to continue," Hesh spoke darkly and you giggled.

As Hesh started kissing your jaw and neck, you pulled out your phone. Holding it out, you felt Hesh pull away to smile for the picture. You leaned your head close to his as the camera caught you two and the sunset in the background.

"I love you," Hesh murmured against your head as you put your phone away. "So much."

"I love you too," you looked up and kissed him again.

Hesh and you both burned for more, it was obvious, but you knew better. The Ferris Wheel began guiding you both back down. Hesh gripped your knee in want and you leaned your head against his shoulder.

"Do you want me to win you one of those giant stuffed animals?"

"Oh my God! Please!" you eagerly jumped up and down as you both walked towards the game.

"Knock over all the bottles in two shots and win a giant animal!" the runner of the game was shouting out.

Hesh proudly took the two softball-sized balls and handed one to you. You watched as he stretched out his arm and then drew back his arm. Flinging it forwards, Hesh released the ball towards the center of the bottles. They all blew off the stand, leaving the game runner stunned. You clapped your hands in delight and knew that his perfect aim was because of his job.

"I want the teddy bear!" you pointed and Hesh rested a hand on your lower back, making you shiver.

The man handed you the giant bear and you hugged it tightly. Hesh let out a laugh as you tripped over your feet. You both headed towards the center of the carnival.

"What now?"

"I can't really go on any rides with this," you shrugged. "I'd rather go home."

"One last thing before we leave," Hesh suddenly set the bear on the ground.

You watched as he put his hands around your neck and snapped something. Looking down, you noticed the beautiful necklace with intertwined letters; each the letter of both of your first names.

"Hesh," you whispered.

"Happy anniversary, Y/N," Hesh kissed you and you squealed in delight into the kiss, jumping up.

"I love you!" Hesh held your weight easily as you spoke.

"I love you too," Hesh kissed your lips once more.

You smiled and hugged him, closing your eyes.

"Can we finish at home?" you knew what he was talking about.

With a nod, you squealed as Hesh kept holding you and picked up the stuffed animal. He almost started running out of the carnival and you laughed.

It was going to be a long night.

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