Offers (Requested Makarov)

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You watched him from across the street. He was producing his practiced and prepared speech for his loyal little minions. Some there were men with lots of money who would give Makarov more if he played his cards right.

Your fingers tightened around the glass of wine you sipped from as multiple men got up and stormed out. Makarov was left with those loyal to him before he kicked them out. You frowned as the important men all went their separate ways, leaving Makarov to shove the chairs in the room around in frustration.

"Are you ready to leave?" one of the guards stationed by your restaurant table spoke lowly, also watching the unfortunate situation unfold.

"Take me back to the hotel," you stood, wrapping your shawl closer to your shoulders to hide the goosebumps of fear going down the backs of your arms.

When his meetings didn't go right, people around Makarov suffered for it. Though he'd threatened you and treated you like nothing, never had he physically harmed you. This time you knew would be different. The meeting was a very important one and failing it would've meant failure to most of Makarov's plans. It was likely he wouldn't be in a very good mood.

"Wait, I want to look in this store," you commanded your loyal bodyguard and he opened the glass door for you.

Inside were expensive purses, all of which were but a fraction of what you had for money with you today. The current store clerk was helping someone else, but she smiled your direction. You were well aware of the giant man behind you as you explored the store, stalling on time.

"Makarov will be angry," your bodyguard wasn't stupid and he shot you a concerned glance.

He'd always been loyal to you, no matter what Makarov would order during one of his fits. From the beginning, he'd sworn to follow you at all times even though Makarov had basically bought him for you. During the time, Makarov had agreed to let him become yours.

It sounded like he was some type of pet, but you treated him as anything but. If anything, you considered him a good friend. And good friends always gave good advice.

"I suppose we should head that way," you responded.

The two of you walked the rest of the way to the grand hotel Makarov had booked in. As usual, to avoid being sought out, he booked the room under a fake name while also avoiding a suite. You could find that room easily as it was at the end of a hallway with no other rooms next to it.

"I won't need you for the rest of the night," you looked up at your guard's face.

Before you could insert the room key, he gently grasped your elbow. "Remember, if you need me just click the button on your necklace."

"Of course," you felt him release you and you continued to enter the room.

A wave of nervousness washed over you as you were finally alone in the room, without protection of your guard. Makarov was already here, sitting in the corner chair and watching you with a blank expression; him being able to shut off every emotion from his face always stressed you out.

In English he addressed you. "You are late."

You could only dip your head, hoping he wasn't wielding a gun to shoot you with; you'd seen situations go down like that too. Swallowing, you entered further into the room and took off your heels, hanging your shawl on the edge of another chair.

"Come here Y/N."

You quickly obeyed, moving to face him. You came to sit on your knees in front of him, his fingers tracing his lips in thought. Your eyes glanced to see no sign of a gun.

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