Annual Prank Wars (Requested Keegan)

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"Y/N!" someone yelled from behind.


You were suddenly tackled to the ground by a large, masculine figure. His full weight made you cough out for breath and you wiggled to get out from under him.

"I saved you from that one!" Keegan sighed and rolled off of you.

Looking behind you to the wall, you noticed multiple raw eggs splattered up against it. The liquid inside was slowly running down the wall. You narrowed your gaze.

"Am I missing something?"

"That's right, you're a newbie," Keegan taunted and you bristled. "It's our annual prank war, sweetheart."

"Oh great," you rolled your eyes and stood up. "For how long?"

Keegan stayed on the floor, looking up at you with a smirk. "One week."

"I've been gone on a mission, how far are we into it?" you sighed in defeat.

"You lucky piece of shit," Keegan grinned. "There is one day left."

"I'll starve and stay in my room then," you grumbled and turned to walk away.

"You know, the Ghosts' prank wars prove if you can handle being one of us. If you stay locked away for the rest of it, I'm pretty sure you'll never hear the end of it."

You froze with torment steaming through your veins. You were never a type to be called weak. Keegan's hand touched your shoulder, making you bristle once again.

"They've all taken sides against me. I could use your help."

"Merrick? Kick?"

"Kick is our Lone Wolf, usually, but since he's left on a mission, he won't be here to finish this off." Keegan awkwardly removed his hand as you turned. "Merrick thinks our games are childish and foolish, so he never participates."

"Well, I'll join Merrick then," you crossed your arms.

"Please, Y/N," Keegan pressed closer to you, his body backing yours up against the wall.

You and Keegan had already grown rather close during your recruitment into the Ghosts. He had been the one to talk to you first, you being even quieter than Logan could be sometimes. In last few weeks, you felt as if you were starting to love Keegan more than a friend; you only hoped he thought the same.

"I need your stealth to sneak traps," Keegan traced up your arm. "Besides this will be a good opportunity for us to get to know each other better. sneaking around at night....alone."

Your breath caught in your throat as Keegan leaned closer. His form was larger than your own, but comforting nonetheless. You'd wanted to feel him even closer to you for a long time.

"Okay," you could barely manage.

Keegan smirked, his bright blue eyes darting to your lips and then back to your e/c eyes. It felt, in that very tense moment, like he was going to kiss you. You closed your eyes just slightly in case he actually did.

The heat of his body residing made your eyes burst open. Keegan had begun to back away and walk down the hallway, a smirk clear and proud on his face. You pouted, watching him.

"You'll have to help me if you want that gift!"

"You call that a gift?" you called, taunting him.


"Good morning, Y/N," Hesh greeted as you stepped into the rec. room the next morning.

"Hesh," you regarded him cautiously, the mysterious look in his eyes too obvious.

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