Bare Blizzards (Requested Soap)

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I have SOOOO many requests to get around to and I might be stressing just a little bit because finals week is around the corner too. I'm sorry I've been distant, just been enjoying the life of mine that is REAL. It's nice to take a break sometimes.

Hopefully I'll be back to both of my worlds now and I'll give a few updates, maybe even post another NEW story. ;)

Btw, is the Daylight Savings time change only f***ing my schedule up or is it doing the same to everyone who's done it?

Thank you all SO much for 1K VOTES! I'm so happy this book has reached that amount so quickly! I might reward with a few extra, fun updates in the near future.

Enjoy the unedited following!



"Christ, I'm going to freeze my arse off," Soap grumbled ahead of you as the two of you traveled alongside a snowy mountain in Russia.

"You have an ass?" you widened your eyes, darting to where his moved sexily underneath his snow-plastered uniform.

Soap gave a death glare over his shoulder. "Aye, I do lass."

You let out a breath of any warmth you felt you had. Your toes were beginning to feel numb under the expensive and top-of-the-line gear you and Soap both wore. With h/c hair crusted with snow, your covered face was already the first piece of your body to be numb. You wanted to burn inside a fireplace to get your warmth back.

"Soap," you caught up to him as he stopped to overlook a canyon for possible enemy contact.


"I'm cold," you weren't one to usually forfeit a mission, no matter what conditions were at present, but this time the weather really had you.

"We can't quit now, Y/N."

"Soap," you touched his thickly-covered shoulder.

Soap faced you, his special eyes really studying you. You knew you probably looked like an icicle, with snow and ice literally clinging to your smaller form. As if your body knew Soap was looking at you, your lips shuddered in a truthful shiver of frostbite-like attitude.

With perfect timing, right as Soap opened his mouth to speak, Ghost came into your comms. "The two of you need to think of shelter for the evening. We're seeing heavy signs of a blizzard."

Soap bit his lower lip and then nodded. "Aye, we'll see to it."

You stifled a sigh of relief.

"There's an abandoned cabin less than a mile away to the north," Ghost added.

"Copy," Soap dismissed Ghost.

You eyed Soap with wonder as he gave you a small smirk. "What?"

"Nothing," he started off in the direction of the supposed cabin.

"There's obviously something," you pressed.

Soap bit his lip as if almost nervous. "You look cute with icicles in your hair."

Your heart fluttered. "Is that a compliment from my Captain?"

"Aye," Soap huffed and glanced away from me, "and there won't be one again if you keep it up."

"Sorry," you snapped. "Just trying to make light of the situation despite my feet feeling cut off."

Soap came to a stop at the edge of the hill, looking downwards. "There's the cabin."

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