Skipping for Storage (Soap Smut!)

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Okay, really quick (cause I know you really wanna get to this thing) I just have to say HAPPY 100TH UPDATE!!! Dudesss, I didn't think it'd go this far!! Thank you so so so much for 73K too!! That is like...wowww...I don't even have words. I'm so ecstatic!! Oh my gosh!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! This is all because of YOU!! <3

Now enjoy, you naughty readers! ;)



"There are multiple requirements to get into the volunteer program, but this class helps cover a lot..."

You sighed and leaned further back against the chair- in the fourth row up from the front of the lecture room. Other college students were deeply interested in what the professor was saying. You were entirely opposite, spacing out.

Your fingers tapped the desktop in front of you and your gaze wandered around the room. There was a solid hour left until the end of the day. You would be free to go your shared dorm and be confined to studying. More than likely your dorm mate would be sucking face with her significant other or complaining about studying. That or she wouldn't be there at all. Either of the ways, you needed something to get you out of the class, now.

You didn't want to just get up and walk out without a purpose. It made you feel like shit because you actually enjoyed the class sixty percent of the time. No, you needed a distraction.

At the motion through the door with the typical narrow glass window, you spotted the perfect excuse. His lovely blue eyes found your e/c ones almost instantaneously and you couldn't help but smile, quickly gathering your things and making your way out of the lecture.

Luckily, the professor's back was turned and no one gave your departure away. You slipped out the door and closed it gently behind you. Without a second glance into the room, you spun around to face the blue-eyed, dark-haired, sexily-tanned brute.

"John," you tried to not sound too excited.

"Studying hard, I see."

"I didn't want to leave you waiting," you found a nervous blush race up the back of your neck.

Soap was an interesting fellow and ever since a drunk night at one of the local parties, you had been seeing him. He was older, old enough to have your parents disown you for associating with him, but kind and sweet. John MacTavish was a lovely man with not only a heart of gold, but a body of it too.

"Come on," you led him through the hallway, knowing just the place to discuss certain ideas.

Soap wandered shortly behind you, shoving his slightly outgrown hair back- outgrown for him, that was. You tested the door to your left and smiled as it opened up into a dim room. Soap slipped in past you, allowing you to file in behind and shut the door, locking it from the inside.

"A storage room?" he looked around with an amused face.

"Hey, I didn't know what this was," you shrugged. "I just figured you wanted privacy to-"

Soap cut you off, devouring your lips with his. Your fingers dropped the bag with your notebooks and belongings, causing you to grasp his shoulders in surprise. Soap moved forwards, pinning you against the nearby wall in arrogance.

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