Rescue (Requested Gideon)

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Your hands were bound so tightly, you didn't try to escape. Some part of you knew that your situation wasn't very good, but you refused to believe it. You'd been trained to never succumb to your weaker thoughts nor your enemy's.

The black window in front of you made your e/c eyes narrow. Though it'd only been two hours of staring at the window, waiting for the evil to make it's mark, you had started to grow impatient. That, and you had to pee really badly.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried to escape," the sickening-familiar voice hissed from behind you.

Though you knew you couldn't, you retaliated. "I was waiting for you."

A small laugh escaped the man's lips. "I'm sure you were. Now, let's get to business."

You glared at the man as he sat down in front of you. Small bits of admiration spread through you at the sight of the older man. You couldn't help but be amazed how much he'd been through and still pulled out okay. Well, if okay was a big red X over his head, then it fit.

"Where are they?" he narrowed his brown gaze.

"I don't know," you shrugged, barely leaning back. "You tell me, you found me."

"I know you know where they are. Don't make this harder than it has to be, Y/N."

"You don't me well enough, Irons. I like things the hard way, they put excitement into the action," you taunted the maddening man and smirked.

"Alright, if that's your way," Irons got up and turned the nob on a small machine.

At the same time, a rising burning sensation started from your strapped up legs and went upwards. You let out screams of pain, tilting your head back as the machine continued to shock you. It was for your team, for your own good.

"Are we going to talk now?" Irons turned the nob down.

"Never," you growled.

With that, Irons turned the nob up even higher than before. Your jaw clenched and you tried to tighten your muscles to block out the pain. Nothing helped. It was in through your body, it felt like, and there was no possible way to escape it. It was like that one little spasm in your skin that caused a constant itch that never went away.

"Now?" Irons spoke over the shocking sounds.

"No!" you screamed.

That last scream seemed to be all it took for all the lights to burst. You were surrounded by darkness and a scrambling Irons. Trying to fight, you wiggled in your chair.

"After Irons, I have Y/L/N," the familiar, friendly London-accented voice echoed through a hole in the wall to your left.

"G-Gideon," you whispered.

"I'm here, lass," Gideon's hands found your ankles, knees, wrists, and waist to release you from the uncomfortable chair. "Get up, Lieutenant."

You stood up, thinking your legs were locked and loaded. That was until you fell straight towards the floor. Muscular arms wrapped around you, supporting your weak body.

"Hold on. I'll get you to the chopper," Gideon murmured in your ear, his breath hot.

You didn't say anything, but instead helped Gideon by wrapping an arm over his shoulders. Gideon walked you out of the hole that had been made in the wall from their infiltration. You looked down and away from the bright light that had taken over your vision.

"Just a little longer," Gideon spoke louder as we neared the chopper.

You were set down onto a flat, cold surface. Your fighting spirit still going, you tried to crawl forwards and sit on one of the chopper's chairs. Hands wrapped around yours, pulling back up to a sitting position.

"Bite your tongue," Gideon, you realized, had a nerve balance needle.

Your heart flew away from the needle, but you forced yourself to take it like the true soldier you were. Gideon inserted the needle and injected the stabilizer seconds after that. You had only winced to the initial stab.

Gideon was so heart-pounding anyways. Whenever you were around him, you felt your insides twist into knots of emotions you couldn't understand. You'd known him for two years and loved him as a best friend. Slowly, you felt yourself starting to fall in love with him. It had especially gotten bad after you'd been taken.

"There, you'll start feeling a little better now," Gideon patted your shoulder, making you groan a response.

"Thank you," you grumbled, sitting up a little straighter and allowing Gideon to wrap a blanket around you.

"No problem," Gideon slid the med kit underneath one of the seats and faced the open door.

"I meant for the rescue, you know," you looked at him, studying his blue eyes.

"I know," Gideon smirked.

"Do you always have to have that blunt expression of 'I don't give a shit' Gideon?" you asked.

"It annoys you, so yes," Gideon smirked even more.

"Can you just say you're welcome once and then forget about it?" you demanded.

"I'm welcome," Gideon taunted.

You let out a frustrated groan and put your head in your hands. Gideon let out chuckle and grabbed your hands gently. Your attention was grabbed immediately.

"You are welcome," Gideon gazed deeply into your eyes.

Before you could reply with another smart-ass comment, Gideon took your breath away. His lips pressed to yours in a passionate kiss. Taken away at first, you didn't know what to do. You then wrapped your arms around his neck.

"What are you doing, Captain?" you murmured darkly when the kiss was over.

"I don't know," Gideon replied, holding you in his arms. "I really don't."

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