I Didn't Do Anything (Nikolai)

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He's been requested couple times, sooo I decided to do something somewhat neutral to fulfill Nikolai needs! :)

Apologies, I am NOT going to reread or look over this because I'm short on time and want to squeeze in at least one update this weekend. Also, I've never been pulled over, so I have NO idea how this all goes- I'm guessing (let it be imaginary for crying out loud)!

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"And make sure to park away from any trees!"

You rolled your eyes to the hundredth wish of your step-mother. "Yes, mom."


"I think I'll be fine," you interrupted. "I'm just going to get gas and grab something to eat."

Your step-mother sighed and slowly nodded. "Very well." 

She reluctantly dropped the keys into your anxious hand. You grinned and spun around, your wallet in hand, to leave the house. Your step-mother gazed after you, her gentle eyes narrowing as you entered her sports car.

"Please be careful!"

"I will," you called back. "I will!"

You were out of the driveway before someone could say "red light."

The sports car roared beneath every time you accelerated, especially after corners. Because of this, you made sure to go the longest way possible to the gas station. The side-road the drive took you on overlooked everlasting farmers' fields and showed off the mural of the sunset. It was hard for you to keep an eye on the road from the beautiful, yet simple, scene.

After filling up on gas, you immediately crossed the street to the mini market. You had your eyes set on a bag of your favorite chips and soda before you even entered. The cashier was an older Hispanic man with a greying beard and he looked at you like you were crazy.

Maybe you were a little bit. After all, you were driving your step-mother's fancy sports car.

"Thank you, sir!" you grinned after you paid and hustled towards the exit, anxious to drive the beast once more.

As you got back on the road, you headed the same longest way home. You went just slightly over the speed limit, intimidated by the car's horsepower, however people still passed you. One car, a red sports car even faster and fancier than your step-mother's zoomed past you- going eighty in a forty five.

"Seriously?" you growled. "Where's a cop when you need one?"

As if reading your mind, the blue and red lights of a police car caught your attention off to the left. The silver truck tailgating you to go ten miles over the speed limit ushered past you and went on fifteen miles over the speed limit.

You continued your speed, five miles over, and watched as the black nose of the car popped out from the parking lot it'd been in and turned in your general direction. Though you were doing nothing wrong, you still felt your heartbeat quicken in worry.

Then the police car made a sound. The sound of sirens. They weren't those siren sounds that happened during a chase, but the ones once the chase died down. They told the driver to pull over.

Shaking, you gently pulled to the side of the road, not knowing what else to do. To your horror, the police car followed you, keeping the lights on.

As you sat there, waiting for the officer to come and speak with you, you slouched in your seat. You frowned, feeling tears start to spill over the edges of your eyes. How disappointed your step-mother was going to be. How much she was going to disown you.

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