Stormy Rescue (Requested Nikolai)

3.1K 60 5

Alright, FINALLY I've gotten around to playing a mission or two of MW2/3 and I'm remembering how Nikolai's personality is. He has been requested a few times, but the idea is from my crazy brain. :)

Please help me get to 1k votes! I feel like this book deserves that many!



It was supposed to be a fun trip. It was supposed to be a fun night swim. It was supposed to be safe. All those 'supposed to' comments were making you drown more than the water was, especially as it engulfed your form.

You could see faces, barely, and they worriedly called out something. Your hands gripped the air, hoping to find something, anything to help your doomed self. The salt of the rough water choked your throat, leaving you to spend most of your energy on coughing.

As a wave thundered towards you, it swallowed you whole. You were whacked around underneath the surface, your head hitting something hard. When you came up, you found a shallow part and your toes dug into the freezing sand.

Wind and rain howled, whipping your soaked hair into your face painfully. You let out a wail in an attempt to gain the full attention of your college friends. Yet they were looking in the water, using flashlights to try and make you out.

"S-So cold," you shivered, treading through the ankle-deep water into a cave where water continued to splash violently.

It wasn't long until you could hear a different kind of thunder. At first it was quiet, rumbling in the near distance. Then it became loud, blinding your ears to the harmful waves crashing down around you.

A spotlight was shining on the water outside the cave, making anything still alive inside of you perk up in anticipation. You tried to move forwards, your foot slipping on the slippery rock and twisting your ankle. You let out a cry of agony.


Suddenly there was a flashlight on your face. The man behind the light wore a scuba mask and his arms quickly enclosed around you. You soon had a heavy duty life jacket on, the man saying nothing over the storm as he tied something to your life jacket.

Soon you were both back in the water, heading to a ladder descending from the helicopter that had come to the rescue. Your savior held onto you with one firm hand as the two of you made it to the ladder. The waves bobbed it up and down, yet it wasn't hard to grasp.

The coast guard rescuer behind you came shortly up the ladder, his hands placing themselves as your feet left the step. The chopper tried its best to stay still in the storm, yet as you climbed it shifted violently side to side.

"Keep climbing!"

The man behind you gently tapped your ankles as you clutched onto the ladder for dear life, praying you wouldn't fall back to your death. You slowly nodded, deciding he knew more than you, and continued up the ladder.

Once you reached the inside, you were greeted with a warm, special grey blanket. The man behind you slammed the door shut, yelling at the pilot to fly. The secondary pilot- the one who'd given you the blanket- traveled back to the cockpit.

"Sit and stay warm," your rescuer commanded as he stripped himself of most his scuba gear. "We'll be to the hospital soon."

Just what you didn't need was a call from a hospital to your parents. They would be so disappointed in you for not being responsible.

"No, I-I'm fine, I just need to go back to a hotel."

The man gazed at you, his chocolate-colored eyes in disbelief. "You haven't looked in a mirror lately have you?"

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