Crazy and Drunk (Captain Price)

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Mind you, you are supposed to be older in this one.


You were absolutely crazy.

Bizarre and drunk, you were.

"Alright, go!" you chanted from the edge of the party boundary.

The music stung your ears like the picture of a black hole in an ocean. You raised the jug of beer and started chugging, your friends cheering from below the ledge and you raising your fist. Everything was perfect on this night.

"Hey!" you whined when someone took a strong grasp on the jug and yanked it from your hands.

"Enough," it was none other than your older crush.

He was easily five years older, but since you were over thirty, you didn't care. Currently, his lips were curved into a frown.

"I'm not done with that Pricey," you reached out, but stumbled towards the ledge. 

Price grabbed your arm, threw the beer off the edge, and pulled you away from the ledge. You tried to throw a fit, but were too drunk to actually have any strength.

"You will stop right now," Price commanded.

"Who says?" you stroked the bridge of his nose. "I do what I want!"

Price released you, letting you dance around like a crazy drunk person. Wait, you were. He followed you through the group of trees that turned into a forest. You sang and stumbled around while doing so.

"Y/N," Price spoke and you turned, walking towards him. "It's time to go home."

"I don't wanna," you clutched onto his shirt and leaned over to puke.

Price didn't flinch as you threw up next to where you stood. If anything, he held you up steadily. You finished and wiped your mouth on your sleeve.

"Let's go," Price said again.

"If you can catch me," you giggled madly and started stumbling into the woods.

Price picked you up by your waist and flung you over his shoulder, making you scream. You tried to kick, only to get shoved into Price's truck.

He got in and started driving.

"You're no fun," you pouted.

"I can be plenty of fun, just not right now," Price glanced to you.

"I hate you," you started crying. "Why'd you make me go in the swimming pool?"

"What?" Price shook his head and ignored your complaining for the rest of the ride.

Once he arrived at your home, Price got out and helped you stumble out of the truck. Your breath smelled terribly of alcohol and you leaned on Price as you walked up your porch.

"I love you," you pinched Price's cheek and he pulled away.

"Where are your keys?" Price was searching through your purse.

"That's mine!" you giggled.

Price found your keys and then unlocked the door, dragging you in behind him. He sat you on the couch and then brought some water, which you dumped in the flower pot next to you.

"I'm trying to help," Price grumbled, sitting next to you.

"Help?" you crawled forwards. "I can help."

"No, Y/N," Price started to pull away, but you attacked his lips with yours, kissing him.

Price finally took measures beyond what you ever thought he would do. A hard slap to your cheek made you double back. You gripped your cheek and glared at him, your senses coming back to you.

"Price, I'm so sorry," you started but then stopped.

Price held up his hand and cleared his throat, getting up to get a new glass of water. You sat in silence, biting your lip in hate of yourself.

"Look, I'm sorry," you started again once he came back. When he didn't reply, you added, "Price?"

He left for your front door, making you run after him. You grabbed his bicep and turned him around.

"I told you, I'm sorry!" you whined.

"That's not the point," Price growled. "You went to that damn party anyways!"

You lowered your gaze and dipped your head. "I'm really sorry, Price. I am."

"If you would've listened to me, none of this would've happened," Price grumbled.

"Maybe I should always listen to you," you frowned, not meeting his gaze.

Price gently tipped your chin up, making your eyes meet his. "I'm not in control of your actions, Y/N. I just care that you don't get hurt."

"I won't," you smiled. "Not with you around."

"I'm not leaving you," Price almost seemed to promise.

"Movie night?" you suggested.

"Why not?"

Smiling, you leaned up and kissed his cheek. You went to pull away and turned to get a movie. Price grabbed your wrist and pull you back. His lips met yours in a gentle embrace.

"You should party more often," Price whispered.

You smiled even more and leaned up to kiss him one more time. Price tangled his fingers in your hair and kissed you deeply.

He was right, you did need to party more often.

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