The Hunter and the Spy (Requested Keegan)

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Sorry for the delay once again, I was out of town without service so I couldn't work on anything on Wattpad. :( So I hope to make up for it with this longer update- unfortunately unedited.

Continue throwing your requests at me and I will get to them in the order they come in (give or take a few more challenging ones) to keep y'all pleased for the rest of summer break. I appreciate all of the support and feedback so much! Thank you for everything...seriously. ❤️

Enjoy, my lovely readers!



"The shipment should be here by now."

"We all run a little late sometimes."

From your vantage point, you could easily make out the conversation between the two Ghosts. One of them wore no mask, a younger and newer recruit by the nickname of Hesh, while the other was the complete opposite. A black mask with white vertical streaks covered the more experienced soldier's head. He currently bore his favorite weapon of all time: the Honey Badger.

You'd been watching the skilled soldier for weeks, under the command of Rorke, to figure out Ghost tactics. According to Rorke, the soldier had quite a bit of significance to the Ghost cause. He wanted you to spy on the soldier and find a way to kill him.

"I'm going to head back to base," Keegan P. Russ spoke towards Hesh in his deep, rumbling voice so quiet it could still kill a mouse, scare a lion. "Keep watch here. I'll radio you when I find out where the truck is."

To the rookie mistake of splitting up, you smirked in the shadows of the morning light. You drew away from the wooded ledge, hustling to gain an advantage over the traveling Ghost. With their secondary base hidden deep in the Appalachians, you'd gotten a chance to figure their entire system out without being caught once. Having such knowledge gave you an even larger chance of bagging the Ghost trophy for Rorke.

"Damn miscommunication," Keegan grumbled and kicked a pebble as he walked through the heavily wooded forest on a manmade path worn from so many treks back and forth.

You leaned up against a nearby tree adjacent to the path. Your fingers flicked open the large pocket knife braced in your right hand as Keegan neared. He was completely unaware you were there, his eyes and thoughts focused on the task at hand.

As soon as he'd passed you, you snuck out of the shadows in a flash. Your hand grasped his throat, bringing the other- wielding the knife- up to the same spot as well. Keegan froze mid-step, landing unevenly with his legs parted. You let out a hiss in his ear.

"Have any last words?"

"Just one," Keegan breathed, surprisingly calm despite the death grasp you had on him.

While he was much taller and thicker than you were- you found yourself tip-toeing to the positioning- you held your ground with ease. That was until he easily gripped your arms and flung your over his back to the ground ahead. You let out a gasp from the temporary lack of air entering your lungs and glared up at the deceptive soldier.


You narrowed your eyes in a glare that would typically send Rorke's men off at a weary squeal. Keegan only stepped on your arm, twisting his boot to make you release the knife still firmly in your grasp. You let out a groan of annoyance as he threw the knife deep into the trees.

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