Mask (Requested Keegan)

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"You and Keegan are going on a mission."

The words made you want to hurl, scream, and punch something all at once. You kept the wants at the back of your mind as you tried to think of the mission solely, not who would accompany you. The companion you so dearly hated stood nearby, gazing at the briefing screen as well.

"The mission will be two days. Pack accordingly," Merrick proceeded, ignoring the raise in temperature throughout the room. "Also, it won't be warm."

"Does it need to stay quiet?" Keegan questioned gruffly.

"If possible."

You moved your gaze across the room to where Keegan returned the icy glare. His blue eyes were a strike of lightning, a battle against the fire in yours. His eyes narrowed and he looked back to a focused Merrick.

"Dismissed," Merrick  stated. "You leave at 1200."


"Targets located on the west balcony," Keegan spoke as the two of you rested on a snowy bank.

You traced the left target in your scope, trying to decide which way would be the best to off him. Keegan shot the right one without warning and you quickly ended yours.

"Nice communication," you hissed.

"You should know better."

You hated him. So much. You'd never been able to pinpoint why, but the hatred between you was so incredibly strong, people often avoided putting you together. Why Merrick had was beyond you.

"We need to move up," Keegan stated, bracing to slide down the steep slope.

You did before he could, crouching in the bushes at the bottom. When he joined you, you looked to the guarded gate in greed. How quickly you wanted this all to end so you could get away from Keegan. He put you on edge, as if you didn't trust him. You didn't know why you had that feeling.

"You!" there was a close shout and you began to turn to counter.

As you did, there was a sharp Charlie-horse in your right thigh. It dropped you where you stood as you let out a cry of anger and pain. You hands went to the pulsing area and felt a warm, sticky fluid.

"Shit!" Keegan shot the attacking Federation with his suppressed pistol. "Y/N!"

You glared at the dead guard and then to Keegan. He was dipping to help you up and you ignored his hand as you did it yourself. Your arms braced as you lifted yourself up off the snow. You held yourself steady upon reaching full height.

"This didn't go as planned," you winced when you looked down at the deep slice in your thigh. "Fuck."

Keegan watched as you moved to walk forwards. He was also there as you stumbled towards the ground, brain scattered by the throbbing pain. He lifted your arm over his shoulders and gripped your ribcage.

"We're getting out of here."

"No," you tried to release your wrist from his python grasp. "We have a mission to complete."

"And right now it's getting you to safety."

You said nothing in response as Keegan half-helped, half-dragged you back up the way you'd slid down. Your thigh began to freeze- or at least the blood pooling out of it. It left your leg feeling restricted and disgusting.

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