Deal! (Requested Soap)

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"That was absolutely delicious!" Soap sat back, crossing his arms.

"I cooked, you have to do the dishes," you leaned forwards at the table.

"Hold on just a minute!" Soap leaned forwards, "I helped you cook!"

"You put one thing in the oven," you crossed your arms.

"I did them last night!" Soap tried to argue.

"What are you talking about? I've done them the last three days!"

Soap made an adorable pouting face. "I'll make you a deal. If you can out-shoot me at the range, then I'll do the dishes, if not you have to do them."

"Deal!" you stood up.


"You even know how to hold one of these?"

You crossed your arms in disbelief. "Really? I've been target shooting before!"

"Okay, jeez!" Soap rested the gun on the table in your section of the range.

You put the earplugs in your ears before you stepped up to the bench. Soap was always worried about your safety, often making you take precautions when you both did something dangerous. It annoyed you sometimes, but you also found it romantic that he cared for you so much.

"The one who stays the closest to the center with two clips wins," Soap decided on the other side of the cubbie-like wall.

You loaded the semi-automatic in silence. Soap began shooting before you did. His first shot made you jump with a gasp.

"You gunna shoot, slacker?"

"Shut up," you tucked the rifle deep into your shoulder like Soap had taught you.

You closed one eye and looked down the ACOG scope, gripping the gun tighter. A sigh escaped you as you gently squeezed, rather than pulled, the trigger. The gun bounced against your shoulder and yelled an echo into the 50-yard-long range.

"Come on, Y/N. I taught you better than that!" Soap called out so you could hear through the earplugs.

Grumbling, you gazed through the scope to see you'd hit the white part of the target; nowhere close to the center. You knew you could shoot better, so you quickly prepared yourself to shoot again. Your eyes were narrowed in determination as you gripped the gun.

You shot slower than Soap, him finishing before you did. It was because you went slower that you were more accurate. Each shot was close to the next, all clustered inside the smallest circle or right next to it.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Soap grumbled as he walked back to the door to enter the shooting area with the targets.

Your hopes rose in thinking you may have beat him. "What?"

"I actually beat you!"

Soap showed the two targets, his all perfectly inside the first circle. You sighed in defeat and watched as Soap chuckled in excitement. He'd actually won the competition.

The drive home was silent as you scrolled through Facebook on your phone in defeat. Soap didn't talk. One reason was because of his urge to brag even though he knew you were bummed and the other was because it was unlike yourself to lose your competitions against one another.

"If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen," you mumbled as you walked into the house.

You could feel Soap's gaze on you as you tiredly sulked into the kitchen to clean up and do the dishes. You began on the dishes first, unloading the clean ones first. As you unloaded, you hummed a song to keep yourself motivated.

The water from the sink was heating up at you began scrubbing a bowl from the sink. Your fingers became soapy with the sponge in an instant, making your hand feel tight. A sudden presence behind you made you pause.

His warm lips came to your neck first as he pulled your h/c hair to the side. You felt burning tingles travel down your spine as his hands came to your waist and caressed. As his lips moved to your ear and jaw, you tried to ignore him by continuing.

"It's hard to clean when you're in the away," you tried to scrub a plate with a sigh.

Soap's hands found yours. Both of your hands were soapy as he helped you start cleaning dishes again. His gentle whisper on your neck made you shiver.

"I thought we could clean together."

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