Torturous Gloves (Requested Keegan)

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Double update (on a Monday, I knowww) because last Sunday and this Sunday didn't happen :(

Keep those votes for the lemonfest characters coming in! I have a few picked out, BUT they aren't for sure yet! Here's a list of all that have been brought up...comment or message me on the one (or two or all) that you want:

David Mason

From this list will be the five I choose! :)

Enjoy the second update this Sunday, readers!




"If you touch my glove, I will stab you in the neck!"

You didn't think twice, reaching for the glove and taking off across the large armory. Behind you, Keegan hustled to keep on your speedy heels. He was done for as soon as you'd gotten a hold of the glove.

"Apologize for hiding my mask and I will!"

"Not a chance!"

"You stubborn bastard," you breathed and wove through a recreation room to avoid being caught. "Just give up already!"


This went on for a solid hour. Him chasing you like a chicken with its head cut off and you easily keeping away like the quickest hare in a forest. You were all in all surprised with his ability to keep a solid pace most of the time. You just hoped Merrick didn't catch you two acting like fools. That would be the end of it entirely.

And you didn't want that because you enjoyed these times with Keegan. You wouldn't ever admit that out loud, however. You were just too shy and you had a feeling he was too. Saying something would ruin everything.

"Y/N Y/L/N!"

Screeching to a halt, you cringed. Keegan barreled into you, knocking you both down to the floor. For the moment, neither one of you moved, too focused on Merrick standing intimidatingly in the center of the hallway with his hands on his hips.

"Keegan, what the hell are you two doing?"

"I was trying to get my glove-"

"Well knock your shit off this instant!"

"Yes, Merrick."

He gave you one last glare and then walked between the both of you. You snapped your hand back to avoid getting stepped on and then looked over to Keegan. Picking up his glove, you threw it at him- not playfully either.

"If you never would've taken my mask this wouldn't have happened. Now he's going to punish us both!"

"Y/N, he won't-"

"Shut it and leave me alone," you got up, storming down the hallway and away from Keegan. "You've done enough."

You walked for a while until you stumbled into a quieter part of the base. Giving yourself a break would allow you to calm down and forget about the embarrassment that just happened.

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