A New Year, A First Kiss (Logan)

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"I hope this next year treats us well," Hesh spoke hopefully. "This last one has been rough."

"Agreed," Keegan spoke gruffly.

You watched the famous New Year's party on the TV, looking at the glimmering ball that would soon drop to signal the start to a new year. Logan stood next to you, his arms crossed and his eyes copying yours. He almost seemed annoyed at the whole situation, as if starting a new year in life was boring and not worth mentioning.

"You seem off," you murmured underneath the other Ghosts' light partying.

"Just waiting for the damn ball to drop," Logan shrugged.

"Dude, I wish I could have a New Year's kiss!" Kick was shoving Hesh around, joking half-drunkenly.

"They're overrated, but kinda worth it I guess."

You sighed and let out a whisper. "Never experienced it."

Logan raised an eyebrow, removing his gaze from the TV to you. You looked back at him, having to raise your head slightly because of his height. There was a shimmer in his eyes that made you question him.


"Perhaps that should change."

You heart picked up an extra beat or two, making your cheeks warm. Your eyes immediately reverted to the TV where the ball was getting ready to drop. A small, nervous laugh escaped your lips.

"3, 2, 1..." the guys started hooping and hollering.

Logan shook his head and went to celebrate as well. You only watched the men jump around like crazies, smiling like a goofball as you did. Slowly, you backed away from the room, exiting in silence.

You headed for your quarters, feeling a wave of depression hit you. It was a new year. It meant being bullied to forget the past and forced to push towards the future. It meant growing older and losing the ones you cared about.

"Why are you frowning, Y/N?"

You gasped and looked up to where Logan was leaning on the outside of your quarters. You bit your lower lip and shook your head.

"The depressive side to the new year is getting to me."



"I think I've figured out the perfect time for you to get your first-of-the-year kiss," Logan smirked.


"Now," Logan stepped closer, touching your hands, cool to the contact. "Y/N, will you be my New Year's kiss?"

You stared at him, eyes lighting up and lips twitching in excitement. You simply nodded and felt Logan press closer. He cupped your jaw and pressed your chin upwards as his lips met yours. You were frozen as his lips slowly moved against yours, unable to think properly and remember how to move any muscle in your body.

As Logan went to pull away in confusion, you felt something inside you flick on. You moved your lips in the same rhythm he had, feeling your hands- with their own minds- move to clutch the collar of Logan's uniform. Logan smirked to the deeper kiss and then pulled back.

"Happy New Year, Y/N."

You let out a sigh, reluctantly releasing his collar. "You too, Logan Walker."

"What do you think?"

"It's interesting. I...like it...enjoyed it."

Logan smirked and then pressed a kiss to your temple, lowering his head to your ear. His breath was warm and comforting.

"Perhaps such a thing should happen more often."

"I'd like that," you rasped, your voice a nervous whisper.

He chuckled and then suddenly opened your door. "You really shouldn't go in, but if you want to then do so."

"What do you mean?"

"You should come and party," Logan leaned closer, breath on your face again.

"That's a stupid idea with a group of drunk men."

"I'm not drunk," Logan gave a smile. "They, however, want to go out to the local bar."

You shrugged. "Still."

"I won't let anything happen to you," Logan promised, offering one last time. "It'll be fun to watch the guys struggle and be dumbasses."

You thought about that. If you took your personal phone then you could record and keep the memories forever. You held up a finger to Logan and went into your quarters, grabbing the technology. Upon returning, you wiggled it at him.

"Gotta steal the good moments."

Logan smiled and then offered his arm. You shut your door as you took his muscular bicep and leaned close to him. Plucking a kiss on his cheek, you gave a grin. He spoke the following words and melted your heart in an instant.

"You're the best start to this new year."



I hope this year is going to be great, blessed, lucky, whatever you want to say, to you all! This last year has had ups and downs for me and I'm hoping 2019 will be better.

As for the new year on Wattpad...there are some big things coming that I'm so excited for. It includes new fan fictions, publishing of my own books, and making more of you happy!!

Here's to 2019!


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